Any growers in KS?

Anybody planted out yet? (in-ground/beds) Just about went for it last weekend but the storm forecast along with the little bit of a cool looking forecast for this upcoming Sunday and Monday night has them still on the porch.  They sure are ready though.  In fact, the Shishitos said hell with it and just went ahead and dropped pods this week.
Mine are all still in the greenhouse. They are too little to go outside on their own ;-)  The soil temperature in my raised beds was 65 F this a.m., so they are ready, and some may find their way into dirt this coming weekend, if it is not too wet.
I feel like such a slacker. I did get my irrigation mainline and about a dozen feeder lines set out last weekend. I managed to get 1 row of sweet peppers out but nothing else. My knees just said NO! With the forecast for overcast skies and rain it would have been a perfect week to have the plants in. I don't really harden off my plants properly (or at all). Once the plants leave the growing area to go outside they NEVER return. I've had to many aphid attacks by bringing the little bugger in with the plants. Leaving them outside doesn't work either as the small pots can dry out quickly and if I work late or can't tend them that night they suffer from being too dry. So when I get overcast skies and lower temps I like to take advantage of it. My plants are reaching for the sky (lights) and needed to go out about 2-3 weeks ago. I'm shooting for getting as many out this weekend as I can. I have 150-200 left to plant!! I'm sure Saturday will be a late start day. I have a date with Rush in Tulsa on Friday night as they kick off their R40 tour!! Late to bed. Late to rise. I'll post some irrigation and plant pics as I can.
WichitaChief said:
I feel like such a slacker. I did get my irrigation mainline and about a dozen feeder lines set out last weekend. I managed to get 1 row of sweet peppers out but nothing else. My knees just said NO! With the forecast for overcast skies and rain it would have been a perfect week to have the plants in. I don't really harden off my plants properly (or at all). Once the plants leave the growing area to go outside they NEVER return. I've had to many aphid attacks by bringing the little bugger in with the plants. Leaving them outside doesn't work either as the small pots can dry out quickly and if I work late or can't tend them that night they suffer from being too dry. So when I get overcast skies and lower temps I like to take advantage of it. My plants are reaching for the sky (lights) and needed to go out about 2-3 weeks ago. I'm shooting for getting as many out this weekend as I can. I have 150-200 left to plant!! I'm sure Saturday will be a late start day. I have a date with Rush in Tulsa on Friday night as they kick off their R40 tour!! Late to bed. Late to rise. I'll post some irrigation and plant pics as I can.
You are supposed to send me that picture of your total pepper plot so my wife gets off me a bit... remember?  :P  By the way, while all your plants you sold me are looking great the 7-Pot Bubblegum is looking super mean :shocked:  That has to be the thickest stalk of any < 12" plant I have ever seen  :party:  
Will do spicy. I shot some this last weekend but felt like crap so I didn't finish doing what I was doing. It's not terrible big but I've found a way to pack them in. Here is one from 2013 about mid year showing 2/3 of them. I've enlarged it in width and not grown down by the fence and trees. The plants just didn't grow or produce there.

I'll put some up after the weekend. Thanks on the BG! I sure thought they looked nice and stocky.
Haha oh boy! that'll do just fine ;)
Look forward to seeing your plot this year! Hope you get to feeling better before RUSH :party:
I saw this on another thread and looked here. Menards has Pro-Mix on sale. It saves a person $2.00 a bag/bale.It probably is company wide but for sure it's on sale in this part of KS. If anyone needs to stash some back for later this year here it is on sale. I used some this year but used it mixed with other soils to retain more moisture. Used by itself it seemed to dry too quick for my use.


All-Purpose Professional Grower's Mix (2 cu. ft.)
Model Number: 0105P  |  Menards® SKU: 2667663
Well that was fun! Not!! I finally managed to "mud in" some of my multitude of plants today. Today was the first day it hasn't rained. My garden space is a soggy mess but my plants are root bound and dropping leaves so they have to get planted. So much for planting "properly". I managed to put 4 rows in which is approx 75 plants I got in. I have 9 rows left to plant. It looks like the forecast has no rain in it till Sunday. Hopefully I can get a few rows in during the evenings. At least it's warm. My relatives near Denver got 8" of snow last night. I'm making a post-it to wear on my forehead come January, "plant less seedlings!!"
Sure you are! :-)  I've been saying that every year for the last 20 years. I finally managed to do it this year. Not only did I plant less, but the aphids and cold basement temps took some plants too, so I have fewer plants this season than I did in any of the last five. That will give me a chance to grow some other stuff like watermelon and tomatoes, so I guess it is not so bad. But judging from the weekend weather forecasts calling for rain, it may be June before I get anything in the ground!
WichitaChief said:
I'm making a post-it to wear on my forehead come January, "plant less seedlings!!"
WichitaChief said:
It looks like the forecast has no rain in it till Sunday. Hopefully I can get a few rows in during the evenings. At least it's warm. My relatives near Denver got 8" of snow last night. I'm making a post-it to wear on my forehead come January, "plant less seedlings!!"
Man i'm just north of you and it looks like a good chance of rain wednesday night through the weekend.  I gotta plant out though, like you, my plants are huge even for being in one gallon containers.  Work owed me a half day vacation where I bailed them out on one of my mornings off. :rolleyes:  I told them I am using it tomorrow afternoon and no matter the forecast for the week they are going in. :party:  I'm worn out from scooting them around the patio the last month and they have already survived several cool nights, several wind storms, several heavy rain storms, and even two hail storms in the last week. It's time... :dance:   
When I'm home in the evening when it is actually daylight AND I can walk out in the garden without losing a shoe I'll shoot a pic of the awesome and big plants SpicyMon (look I caught that sneaky auto-correct!!) brought me earlier in the month. They have a spot positioned where plants usually do good in the garden. My 'ol lady has already spied the pods on the Shishito's and has dreams of a saute with them in it.
Well we got an inch and a half of rain overnight and it is still raining. Looks like rain into Sunday around here. My garden is a big soupy mess. The rest of you Kansas boys getting a bunch of rain also?
WichitaChief said:
When I'm home in the evening when it is actually daylight AND I can walk out in the garden without losing a shoe I'll shoot a pic of the awesome and big plants SpicyMon (look I caught that sneaky auto-correct!!) brought me earlier in the month. They have a spot positioned where plants usually do good in the garden. My 'ol lady has already spied the pods on the Shishito's and has dreams of a saute with them in it.
Don, you'll notice a few of those  :P  Your peppers looked so good they bumped several of mine out of the main bed!
It seems like only yesterday they were just little shoots in a cup. So proud. :crazy:
Had 4 inches of rain over the weekend and some damn strong winds yesterday into today.  Ya'll okay out there... ???  :eh:  :think:
My Chinense' seem a little stunted with the excess water and winds lately coupled with the wacky rise and fall in temperatures.  The annuums are dropping pods already though.  Jamaican Mushrooms are gonna be heavy producers once again it seems... 
WC checking in. Wichita received 3.59" of rain Saturday. (7.46" for the month of May!) and yet Sunday I was out planting. Again. In mud. Between sore knees and a bitchy back we got 71 more in the ground. I plan to get it finished this weekend while I fire up the big smoker. I could potentially add another 100 to my tally  unless I end up with too many reapers/caramels/CP115's and have to plant them too. Then it's on to hay mulching and cages. I'll update with pics once I can see the train light at the end of the tunnel. 
WichitaChief said:
I plan to get it finished this weekend while I fire up the big smoker.
BBQ man as well eh? Are you part of a competition team?  My last team split ways two years ago, in ugly fashion  :eh:  Claim to fame was winning Grand Champion in ribs at the American Royal.  Amazing what success can do to egos though :banghead:   :beer: You inspired me to reheat some pulled pork for dinner tonight...