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Any Ideas on this ?

This is a picture of one of my Bonnets. It's been blown over and abused a lot. It was transplanted not long ago. This morning I noticed what looks funky looking new growth to me. Any ideas on what may be up ? A problem or should it grow it of this ? Several show this . The temps have been very high also.

Peace and thanks ,
P. Dreadie

origamiRN ..... I know what flowers are wank .. it's the new leaves

Geosojda .... it hasn't been cold , but thanks . Maybe someone will hit it.

P. Dreadie
I think they'll be fine, eventually.

Nature has a way of fixing itself.

But dont listen to me. I'm a noob. Lol.
It's from the abuse. Getting battered like that has disturbed the new growth and has deformed them during their 'embryonic' stage in development. So when they matured it ended up looking like that.

That's my theory.

Happened to some of the plants i unintentionally battered myself.
Heat! Given you're in Amarillo I'm guessing more than 100f. I'm in Thailand and we're just now dropping to 95f and things are looking better. But it needs to go to 90f before normalcy returns. Water, don't feed. Shade cloth if you can. It's been a rough 3 months here (hotter than hell), but getting better; I can see it. Good luck.
I have a hab that looks a little like that. Just got it last week at the nursery, though it's looking better

Is it getting any shade during the hottest part of the day P.D.? After the hail storm we had a few days of sun with few clouds. My plants are on the west side of the house so from about noon on they get straight sun. Several of them have tops similar looking to yours. Plus the last few days they've been absolutely waterlogged with the intense showers we've had moving through in the middle of the night and evenings.

Hope you get it figured out.
logchief ..... your picture is better. That's it for sure .

AjarnV & Patrick ... heat was my guess but the leaves sure look strange to me. I'll try to do more on the shade in that bed. The shade doesn't do much until 1:pm or so.

P. Dreadie
Looks like insect damage to me. I'm winning the war just blasting the undersides of the leaves w/ water. Old leaves probably won't turn normal, so wait for new leaves before deciding if you need pest control sprays.
This is a picture of one of my Bonnets. It's been blown over and abused a lot. It was transplanted not long ago. This morning I noticed what looks funky looking new growth to me. Any ideas on what may be up ? A problem or should it grow it of this ? Several show this . The temps have been very high also.

Peace and thanks ,
P. Dreadie


Could heat be stress like already mentioned or dare I say... aphids!!! (seems to be my answer to most of these questions lol) but since the plant was battered and stressed it makes it a prime target for the little sap suckers and they will cause new growth to curl and be spindly like that.
madhatter .....Dang that looks the same !! ....Thanks. WickedMojo guess where I'm going with my jewelry loops !! Super bright out , I might find them better in the morning but still going for a peep now !!

Thanks & Peace,
P. Dreadie
I always get a few plants that do that every year and I don't know why? Really wish I knew the answer. This year it hit my fatalii and stunted them for several weeks but now they are growing normal leaves. Not the prettiest thing to look at when you put all this effort in to growing nice looking plants. Wishing you the best P.

Looks a lot like broadmite damage.
heres a link.
My link

+1 on the above. I have seen other posts similar to this and the results ended up being some sort insect chowing down on the plants. (broad mite damage definitely looks similar to the first pic, google broad mite pepper plant damage) I had similar new growth leaves on my Habs last year but it ended up being aphids. Even though they were mostly on the bottom leaves, the new growth is what ended up being affected the most it seemed.

EDIT:I now this year as the plant grows taller I pinch off the bottom leaves, once they are about 12inches tall I will make sure all of the bottom leaves up to around 6 - 8 inches or so are gone. I think someone else on here once called bottom leaves "highways for bugs"
Removing the bottom leaves also seems to stimulate the plant to produce more new growth up top.
With them gone my bug problems have been minimal this year. so far just spidermites and 2 treatments with Garden Safe insect killer and they are now gone with no signs of any other bugs yet either.

It could also just be the weather like others have mentioned or that the plant was disturbed but, from the looks of it I would put my money on insects.

Good Luck!

As of now I can't see any bugs but they could be hiding very well from the heat and light. ??

PRF ..... Thanks for your view also. What ever is going on I hope they out grow this soon , the sooner the better. I agree with you and am sure everyone feels the same that it sucks to have plants that are looking bad when you're trying your best to help them look super.

P. Dreadie
I have no personal experience but I feel as if I have seen people equate herbicide drift to this type of distorted foliage. Either way, I hope everything turns out alright.