Yes I like metal...but also lots of other stuff far from metal. Guess I just like music, most of it in the 'rock' spectrum....with so many genres that you hardly know where to put certain bands.
I have so many cd's....a small portion of 'metal' I like......Guns 'n roses, Steelheart, Slaughter, Tesla, Skid row, Queensryche, White zombie, D'Priest, Gary Moore, Alice in chains, Monster magnet, Penumbra, Tristania, Sirenia, After forever, Epica, Nightwish, The sins of thy beloved, Lacrimas profundere, Lacuna coil, Silentium, Agalloch, Empyrium, Dark tranquility, Arch enemy, Sojourner, Kauan, Sølstafir, Alcest, Svalbard, Hanging garden, Noumena, Draconian, Haken, The flight of Sleipnir, Godgory, Touchstone, Lethian dreams, Kalmah, Samsara blues experiment, Woods of ypres, Nocte obducta, Heimleiden, Novembre, October falls, Skanska mord, Swallow the sun, Trail of tears, Virgin black, Wintersun, Jinjer, Unleash the archers, Opeth, Dreariness, Midnight odyssey, Be'lakor, Eternal tears of sorrow, Falkenbach, Fates warning, Forest stream, Ne obliviscaris, Gallowbraid etc et etc......by no means a complete list but definitely a big portion of what I like.