contest April is Ramen Challenge

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XC, you're OK.
Good luck with your schooling like that.
Personally I wouldn't trade the social aspect of my high school for ANYTHING (right, Sum)...
But you seem to have your stuff together, even though you're 15 on a thread with grown ass adults who have mortgages and kids and spouses or are wheebz.

Just keep your toe in the water with sports and social stuff. Keep the grades up. Go to college. Drive fast and loosen your morals. You'll appreciate it later.
If you overthink this challenge you will fail.
If you underthink this challenge you will fail.
And look at all the hype! You better bring it, or it will be poo-poo'ed like a platter!

(PS. JayT was busted researching ramen!) :lol:
Totally enjoy life right now to the fullest X. If I could go back to being a teen again I would change so much.......

Definitely get good grades go to college and listen to those older then you. If I would've listened to people things would be different.

LOVE LIFE!!!!!!!!!
If you overthink this challenge you will fail.
If you underthink this challenge you will fail.
And look at all the hype! You better bring it, or it will be poo-poo'ed like a platter!

(PS. JayT was busted researching ramen!) :lol:

Don't worry boss I think I scared JayT and TB away with my awesome rappin smack talk!!! Hence the reason Jay is researchin! :lol:
Hence the reason Jay is researchin! :lol:

JT doesn't research for these things. He must be looking up something else (insert fetish porn topic here).

One time, someone was about to totally Marcie on a throwdown. Smack-talked, people hated this person because the ideas were spot on.
Yet he was ready to bag the whole thing.
90 seconds before the deadline, like a flash in the night, JT appeared with a dish prepared to perfection, a camera with new batteries, and the proof of life.

Two days later, I won my third crown.

True story.
If you overthink this challenge you will fail.
If you underthink this challenge you will fail.
And look at all the hype! You better bring it, or it will be poo-poo'ed like a platter!

Even boss is joining in whith the rhymes, whoot!

And ixnay on the abittray, Cj is sooo allergic to those things, she can't even see them on TV without sneezing.

Hmmm, good idea with the Cadbury thing, not for the throw down, i just want one. gobble gobble.
Personally, I think we should dog pile on Jay for his research heinousnessessess. The man must be snorting laundry detergent to even think like that. Its only ramen and don't get much easier. And for teh recordz, I ain't skeered nohow 'bout no throwdownz.
fo real,im going to do this one old school. Im going to steal a pack of ramen,whizz cheese,and a candy bar. then i will black out and wake up naked outside my front door, :rofl:
I'm willing to give JayT some credit for being ill - most of us don't think clearly when we're under the weather.
Okay, that's enough credit time! What the HECK are you doing, doin' RESEARCH???? Dammm..... Bear ought to eat his face off!
But you seem to have your stuff together, even though you're 15 on a thread with grown ass adults who have mortgages and kids and spouses or are wheebz.

wut you tryin to say, that im not a grown ass adult with a mortgage and kids and a spouse?

ohh wait

i dont have any of those, im a giant 27 year old kid


although I might have a mortgage here in the next 2 months

going to look at a house on Friday
Ok, so I was checking out some Ramen websites. Boo hoo all you want. I found nothing but prison fare and doctored up Ramen. Nothing useful. I am sticking with my original plan. I am thinking of this as if I was Johnny on Chopped and found ramen in my basket. I am no rapper and won't even attempt it, but at the end of the day I will be a contenda. And yes, I am very ill atm.
I am taking one crown away for looking up recipes, and the other three for looking up RAMEN RECIPES! :lol: WTF?

You found nothing because it's RAMEN!

And sounds like cheating in a challenge.

Get some rest :lol:
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