contest April is Ramen Challenge

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I wasn't researching prisons, but it seems that Ramen is a staple among the inmates. Almost every page I saw had some sort of reference to Jailhouse Ramen. Fortunately there were no pics of the inmates making said Ramen.
I wasn't researching prisons, but it seems that Ramen is a staple among the inmates. Almost every page I saw had some sort of reference to Jailhouse Ramen. Fortunately there were no pics of the inmates making said Ramen.

Seems you are becoming infatuated with the whole jailhouse life style. You couldn't find any pics of the jailhouse ramen, or so you say. :whistle:

What about jailhouse salad? Got any pics of that?
I see where you attempting to go with this. Look, just because you are bi-curious, do not try to push your fantasies off on me. :lol:
Seems you are becoming infatuated with the whole jailhouse life style. You couldn't find any pics of the jailhouse ramen, or so you say. :whistle:

What about jailhouse salad? Got any pics of that?

I saw him at building 19 getting some surplus prison shoes.
If you don't know what building 19 is Jay, you may have to research that too!
I see where you attempting to go with this. Look, just because you are bi-curious, do not try to push your fantasies off on me. :lol:

As Roy Rogers would say....Triggah' please! Don't try and turn this around to deviate from the fact that you have some sort of fetish for jailhouse food and the whole jailhouse lifestyle. Its cool and the gang with me that you're into that along with being a researcher. I once had a friend that was into the research lifestyle. His family disowned him, he got fired from his job, and after he revealed his penchant for researching, his wife and kids left him. Last I heard he was living in a commune somewhere in upstate new york where he and his research bro-pals carry on with their research lifestyle quietly.
Well it's just me at least.
Scotts busy with his new girlfriend, megamoo is all depressed because all his chillies died. Even bent is awol cause none of his grew...
I really only happened on to the research out of curiosity and boredom being stuck at home this week with my sick child. Now I see how hurtful some of you can be to researchers. We are people too. In fact, this is why more people that love research remain quiet hiding their love of research to avoid societies cruelity. I say stand up, come out of the closet, and have pride in your research. In fact, I am going to organize a Research Pride Week. Maybe even a parade. Researcher's are people too!
To quote SD
You got a ramen degree
Long before this TD
Sit this one out and be a referee

While sittin high on a birch
Lookin like lurch
You did some ramen research
Now go to church

Cause you gotta pray
That you don't choke like green bay
I'll use your ramen like an ashtray
While I wave you away

For my ramen won't be ordinary
It'll be extrordinary

So go back to class
Start tippin your glass
As my ramen will kick your ass
I really only happened on to the research out of curiosity and boredom being stuck at home this week with my sick child. Now I see how hurtful some of you can be to researchers. We are people too. In fact, this is why more people that love research remain quiet hiding their love of research to avoid societies cruelity. I say stand up, come out of the closet, and have pride in your research. In fact, I am going to organize a Research Pride Week. Maybe even a parade. Researcher's are people too!

You were doing research at home with your kid in the same house? You disgusting deviate bastard! Expect a visit from Child Services Enforcement Division!
I did and it is, but its got nothing on Chinese Mophead Noodles or Ginger Bingle

Edit: Upon further research I found Ginger Bingle to be a ginger chilli sauce from Doyle's Hot Ass Hot Sauce Co.
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