contest April is Ramen Challenge

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Sounds like there's going to be a lot of entries for this TD. Makes it more fun!!! Can't wait.

T-minus 25 days...... that's still so far away :(

Gonna go grab a beer and make dinner for Lil Hab and me.......
Damn, JT. You were RESEARCHING?????

How could you??? I stuck up for you!!!!

I mean, I respect your choices, though I may disagree, and I still like you, but I never thought my friend would be a search-o.

It's cool and all. We can still be friends. Just please don't get all searchy on me or my buddies when you're around.
Lots of guys are search-o's, it's cool. Not like it used to be. Don't be ashamed. I'm glad you came out with the news.

I admit, in my college days I may have dabbled in searching, but that was a one-time thing.

Gimme a big ol' bear hug, TJ. You may be a search-o, but I still love ya.

It gets better!
I don't know if JayT can recover from this! :lol:
Prolly he can recover ~~~ question is how long it will take, and/or what other distraction will be needed for that to happen...... just sayin'
Mom just gave me the ok to make lunch on good friday now what to make with ramen with no meat :think:

I just got back from dropin b-ball and i went 3-7 shooting 42% 6 points 12 rebounds 8 assists 3 blocks 4 steals and no fouls @^_^@ I avg 14 points 6 rebounds 6 assists and a 47% field goal percentage be young again.

Looking back, all the things...if I could go back and change...not one damn thing.

Back to this challenge...gee golly I hope I make a spiffy dish, and it turns out real swell.
XCS~ you can make and post any time on the first weekend of the month, usually goes from sometime Friday through Sunday evening. Dunno if that makes any difference to your planned cooking day-
I know but my dad absolutly hates ramen so i'll have to make it on friday so what to do homemade ramen alfredo with seasoned zuchini and brocoli stirfried in olive oil with garlic and paprika or do i do vegetable lo mein ramen with mushrooms zuchini broccoli red pepper with a side of vege fried rice and green beans hmm or do i make something else... what to do what to do... ;) just cause i'm 15 doesn't mean i can't cook :P i make this stuff all the time @^_^@

Sounds good, but don't give away your secrets! Also, just because you are using a package of ramen doesn't mean your dish has to be a noodle dish. There are many "outside the box" options to come up with. ;) sounds like you have a good idea of what you're doing in the kitchen...awesome! Also...+1 for the use of paprika in Italian dishes...the force is strong with you.

Also...I'm a science teacher...if you ever get stuck on something, or need some ideas, let me know...happy to help when I can.

Sounds good, but don't give away your secrets! Also, just because you are using a package of ramen doesn't mean your dish has to be a noodle dish. There are many "outside the box" options to come up with. ;)

MUSKAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! That's who it was. I told YOU what I was doing in a fit of Bacardi-induced stupor.

thanks i just got my report card and i was doing well all year in bio but the evolution unit droped me to a b avg in bio its over now and im in ecology unit hopefully i get good grades @^_^@

trust me im not gonna make those i have many secrets up my sleeve :P
Why would the evolution unit drop your grade? I on a slippery slope (regarding forum rules) just asking...

Ecology...a specialty of mine...My degree is in enviro-sci.
I sucked at the evolution unit i only had a D avg in it but once i started the ecology unit my grade is raising with two A's so far (i had a 92 avg and now i have a 89 avg)
Bah...evolution is easy stuff. Science has proven we can actually alter our own DNA by our actions, and responses to the environment. For example, lifting weights actually modifies your DNA! Most species adapt over time...look at humans...we are, on average, taller than we were 100 years ago...and far less hairy than 100,000 years ago. Adaptations multiplied over a few, or few dozen (and in human years that's maybe 600 years) generations equals microevolution...small changes on a smallish timescale. They do this with bacteria all the time. Macroevolution...large changes over vast amounts of time are logically sound, and supported in fossil records. As humans, our biggest challenge to "seeing" macroevolution is time...we can grasp a lifetime...a hundred years even. but wrapping your head around a quarter million (or so) years of change(s) is too great a timescale for us to truely understand. We're talking about 5000...FIVE THOUSAND in...your great (x 4998)grandpaw. We can't get it...our minds aren't wired to deal with timescales like that. The theory of evolution doesn't say (nor did Darwin ever put it on paper) "We humans came from monkeys/apes". It simply says we change over time.

Oh...I'm going to win the Ramen TD.

See how it comes full circle, AND stays on topic?
All y'all are gonna be wonderin' what the hell just happened when I unleash my ramen wrath upon thee. Resistance is futile. I will show no mercy, and the crown shall be mine!

edit: :BOLD:
Damn, JT. You were RESEARCHING?????

How could you??? I stuck up for you!!!!

I mean, I respect your choices, though I may disagree, and I still like you, but I never thought my friend would be a search-o.

It's cool and all. We can still be friends. Just please don't get all searchy on me or my buddies when you're around.
Lots of guys are search-o's, it's cool. Not like it used to be. Don't be ashamed. I'm glad you came out with the news.

I admit, in my college days I may have dabbled in searching, but that was a one-time thing.

Gimme a big ol' bear hug, TJ. You may be a search-o, but I still love ya.

It gets better!
I don't know if JayT can recover from this! :lol:
The chronicles of JT's search history...
Prolly he can recover ~~~ question is how long it will take, and/or what other distraction will be needed for that to happen...... just sayin'

Geesh, I had no idea that a little light reading would work you guys up so much. It was actually some pretty funny stuff. Top 100 Starving College Student's Recipes, Recipes from the County Jail, etc. In the end, I am still doing what I first thought of, and I saw nothing like it in my reading. Carry on. How come no one got condemned for researching African cooking? I saw lots of peeps admit to that. Believe it or not, I have not done much with Ramen before.
Geesh, I had no idea that a little light reading would work you guys up so much. It was actually some pretty funny stuff. Top 100 Starving College Student's Recipes, Recipes from the County Jail, etc. In the end, I am still doing what I first thought of, and I saw nothing like it in my reading. Carry on. How come no one got condemned for researching African cooking? I saw lots of peeps admit to that. Believe it or not, I have not done much with Ramen before.

Hah! I don't research. I do it the old fashioned way. I just make crap up.

BTW, the prison research thang is kinda' creepin' me out man. I hope you're not lookin' to hook up via long distance and the interwebz with somebody in the Lonely Lifers Club outta' Huntsville. They just want all your money and even if you get a conjugal visit, they'll just video tape it and put it up on the internetz for $$.
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