contest April is Ramen Challenge

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You are not even a researcher! You just have some sort of fetish.

Boosie reviewed the doyle's ginger bingle sauce on this very forum. Something about ass something. But any decent researcher would have noticed the 'ginger bingle' on the label!

edit: OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! I should have quoted.

I'll get you next time prison fetish boy :D

The packet mac and cheese meal is pretty damning IMHO.
Mophead noodles was naughty, yes quite - just being a deviant sheep shagger, bhutt , i might use bhutt fu garre in the recipe too, with the jelly.

International? Whatchu talkin 'bout? Mah Googler gets WA, OR, ID, some of Montana, most of Utah, and a little bit of Wyoming.
That's as International as anyone needs, I reckon.
I really only happened on to the research out of curiosity and boredom being stuck at home this week with my sick child. Now I see how hurtful some of you can be to researchers. We are people too. In fact, this is why more people that love research remain quiet hiding their love of research to avoid societies cruelity. Isay stand up, come out of the closet, and have pride in your research. In fact, I am going to organize a Research Pride Week. Maybe even a parade. Researcher's are people too!

Somewhere a lone figure sits in a darkened room, lit only by the glow from the monitor, looks up and adjusts his glasses as a faint glow of hope appears in the corner of the room. the glow grows, out of the closet, it becomes a light, Pride Week, it starts to beam as a spot light on him and he lifts his hand to shield his light starved eyes, a PARADE, the light bursts into a crescendo then dark again. A dark silhouette moves forward into the glow of the monitor and Paulky, holding his .22 says, “turn on that damn light again while I’m trying to sleep and I’ll go for the shotgun!”

Edit: Wish I had seen this eariler!
I know ya'll are just having a go at JayT (even though it's now getting obnoxious)...but I would be willing to bet every crown won had some research behind it. Even if just for how to make a part of the dish...or ideas that can be personalized. Hell...there isn't a TD yet that I haven't done some google'n to help with direction. I even did a search on how to make a part of the Ramen dish I'm had nothing to do with Ramen at all, but I needed to know how to make a certain element of my creation. Let's move on to something else now, and fill the next 8 pages with a new theme.
LB stop getting all serious and have a :beer:

Or I know Jay has a good prison hooch recipe from potato peels and grape juice drink.
i didnt do shit for research for my crown

i just made a hot dog with tater tots stuffed with a jalapeno stuffed with bacon stuffed with a habanero

i mean come on

who isnt gonna eat that shit
I, personally, 'research' damn near everything! Why yesterday...I researched tile from Germany and how to make homemade cuticle cream! That said, I hereby recognize JT as my personal Patron Saint of Research, and all things SuperHero. I will create a holiday to celebrate his greatness and it will be filled with more fun and chaos than most mere humans can handle. And we will eat Ramen! :clap:
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