contest April is Ramen Challenge

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Since you boys all seem to be keeping your testosterated panties in a wad, I'll just say it again....

Mm Mm Good!
Mm Mm Good!
Geeme's Ramen Noodles are Mm Mm GOOD! :D


Oh..... And if you JUST HAPPEN to be singing that jingle during voting time, all the better.
Okay... I've had enough. The words prejudice and racist are being thrown around WAY too loosely. Without someone knowing me, it starts to add up to slander. And I know that MOST of the rhetoric is not directed at me, but I associate myself as friends with the people of the Throwdowns, and I feel as though I am being personally attacked.
I feel as though I am being personally attacked. - that's rich ! Every other post has been that's racist. You are having laugh, aren't you???
Don't take the bait...

I almost did again...

Bootsie is really paulky just messing with us.

LOL paul, good joke!!!!!

Or is he Marcie????!!!!!!

We've been here before, but bootsie's pic isn't as good.
If you sing it out loud with me, it will make you smile inside:

Mm Mm Good!
Mm Mm Good!
Geeme's Ramen Noodles are Mm Mm GOOD! :D
I'm not going to name names, but someone is sapping all the fun out of this...

when he/she should be nuts-deep in the ramen fun, and enjoying the banter.

Instead of being a container for a vaginal cleaning product.

stop sapping the fun, Bear!!!
Oh, and seriously, if you sing it out loud in front of a fire (not that we need one of those lately), it will make you feel like a toasty gingerbread marshmallow man!

Mm Mm Good!
Mm Mm Good!
Geeme's Ramen Noodles are Mm Mm GOOD! :D
Oh no you don't! Don't you dare blame Bear! Have you seen him lately???? He's over there behind that palm, fetal position & sucking his thumb again!!!!

Poor Bear....come here baby....(she says as she shakes a Busch Light in his direction)
Oh, and if you sing it in front of a MIRROR.....

Mm Mm Good!
Mm Mm Good!
Geeme's Ramen Noodles are Mm Mm GOOD! :D

.... I'll just let your imagination go with that one.

Be sure to smile while you're singing!
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