contest April is Ramen Challenge

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Oy. For anyone who doesn't already know, Spam really is a favorite food in Hawaii. I certainly can't explain it, it just is. They have varieties of Spam there we on the mainland didn't even know existed.....
You are welcome to join- no prejudices to Africans , or other nationalities' foods on the Cook Off.

Okay... I've had enough. The words prejudice and racist are being thrown around WAY too loosely. Without someone knowing me, it starts to add up to slander. And I know that MOST of the rhetoric is not directed at me, but I associate myself as friends with the people of the Throwdowns, and I feel as though I am being personally attacked.
heh, heh.....Something tells me this TD could end up in a mutli-way Showdown!!!!!

I had an amazing idea, but I can't get my chocolate bunny and brick o' noodles to get along.....oh wait... they're cuddling! Awwww, too cute!!!!!
no prejudices to Africans , or other nationalities' foods on the Cook Off.

So you are seriously under the impression that our THP throwdowns are prejudiced against Africans,
when we all just did an honest Throwdown dedicated to the food of the continent of Africa, and was enjoyed by all of us????

And now you, seriously, are trying to start a throwdown revolution that means a cookoff on the same weekend as the throwdowns, for NO prize.
Just because you didn't win one?????

You may want to research forums on kite flying, and give it a shot!!!

Lame, dude. Lame.

I appreciate your passion for stuff, but you seem to be going about it the wrong way. No disrespect meant.
If you spent some time with the people on this thread, you would find such a wonderful, diverse group of people.
We all come from different backgrounds, ethnically and socio-economically.
There is no clique.
We all just genuinely like cooking spicy food. That's it.
And we tend to have a dry, sarcastic sense of humor. But we are all ultimately forgiving of one another, and we accept each others differences.

Your approach seems to be a bit off-kilter to this mentality.
You like to post mean things about people, and then edit your post before THP sees it.
You like to post pictures of people masturbating (which I'm TOTALLY down with),
and then become offended when someone makes fun of Africa.
When we ALL know that teenage boys in Africa masturbate ALL THE TIME!!!!!.

Have fun with your own throwdowns, but I can assure that the ones THP supports are better.
And it wouldn't be impossible for you to be one of the group of people who enjoy the throwdowns.

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