contest April is Ramen Challenge

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Fish ramen tacos-extra fishy?

edit: hmm... I should have read back a page before posting. That was simply a guess of what TB was making for the TD, nothing more.
Just got a few packs of instant rice noodles that came with a seasoning packet ^_^ that stuff isnt 39 cents btw it costs 79 cents a pack oh well at least i got my ramen noodles to make lunch good friday @^_^@ now what to make do i put the noodles in the blendor add water turn it into dough and make stuffed shells (again this isnt what i'm making) or do i do something else im making spaghetti for dinner tonight :)

I also went out to bowers got a few plants and got some dried habaneros maybe that will be seen in my super secret ramen dish ;P
Fish ramen tacos-extra fishy?

edit: hmm... I should have read back a page before posting. That was simply a guess of what TB was making for the TD, nothing more.

But of course I will have fish of some sort in the t-down with the ramen. There. I have given you 2 ingredients of what I am using.

XC stuff shells made from ramen would be AWESOME! I give you at least 1/2 crown just for suggesting it!
put the noodles in the blendor add water turn it into dough and make stuffed shells


Now there's a noob who GETS IT!!!!!!!!!
XC, you do that, and you have my vote no matter what!!!!!

That's what a ramen challenge is about.

There are a few here who don't quite understand the challenge and fun.
Turning it into stuffed shells would be a top 3, for sure!!!, possibly a winner!

You, young jedi, get it! Let it rip!!! Can't wait to see what you do!!!

(but totally get out of the house and get to "second base" first before you get in on the TD!!!!)

Musky, I really hope you do something to top that idea!!!
That means this TD will be one for the ages!!!!!

M- you've proven you have what it takes!!! Can't wait to see what you do to win it all!

XC, bring it!!!!!!!!! Prove you can hang with your elders!
Wow and i thought of making pie dough with my ramen jk and i get that good of a response for stuffed shells :P

frydad im not realy wanting to get to second base i made it to first and i had to break up with her i just want my relationships to stay at first for now lol (wow didnt expect to have to say that on thp lol)
Well whatever i make i already have 4-5 judges (mom dad 2 sisters 1 bro) to tell me if its good or not and its hard to please them lol i might just cook on saturday so i could make meat hmm chicken gnocci(potato dumplings that ill make with ramen noodles :P) soup? if you didnt know im only sharing the ideas im not gonna make you have to wait til ramen day to know what im making :P
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