contest April is Ramen Challenge

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Picked up a case of Maruchan last night. Chicken flavor! Now I might have to do a little test run to see if my idea is going to work. Lunchbox got me all paranoid.
ya same here if i have the time that weekened to enter ill just free style it. i was going to eat ramen last night but then i remembered how much it sucks. lol
I'm eating a bowl of ramen right now for inspiration. Chicken flavor, with 7 pot powder and an egg mixed in like egg drop soup. It's pretty dang good too.
Hahaha TB!!!! It can be a bit stringy at times.... ok no not really that's just gross!!!!!

........ taking number 2......... instead of I am out out toilet paper....... "hey babe I forgot the scissors"

So not right!
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