contest April is Ramen Challenge

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My ramen has become unruly! There's a mutiny brewing in my kitchen and I'm getting veeeery skeered.

Revenge of the Raging Ramen!!!! OH NO!!!!!!! :eek:
Wow, too many researchers in this thread.

edit: And the fact that you guys can;t get ramen right makes it seem strange there's so many TD crown winners here.
The instructions are on the packet, are you all illiterate or what?
This TD crown is going to be like taking candy from a baby (literally, as y'all can't read)

(not sledging, just joking as all I want is a bit of fun)
I could be off base here...but most TD entrants pride themselves on making entries using the "theme" or "ingredient" in non-traditional ways. That said, making ramen as per package instructions, exclusively, could set a person up for endless torment, teasing, and a most-definite non-crown! But hey....I'm just guessing here! :)
i wasnt researching i was just trying a pack,since its been years since ive ate it,and i cant stand it
That is research buddy!
I could be off base here...but most TD entrants pride themselves on making entries using the "theme" or "ingredient" in non-traditional ways. That said, making ramen as per package instructions, exclusively, could set a person up for endless torment, teasing, and a most-definite non-crown! But hey....I'm just guessing here! :)
Guessing is right, c'mon, no one can make a joke here? It's all too serious
C'mon Sic, its not that bad. You just gotta add junk to it and put some hot sauce on top and your golden.

No joke we eat a ton of the stuff. Every two weeks we buy a case of it. Cheap and quick... as a mom its a damn lifesaver. Just like MacNCheese!

BTW.... Don't have time for water to boil??? Get a microwave safe dish put in about 2 1/4cups water put in noodles throw in microwave for 3 1/2 mins, take out add whatever you had time to gather in 3 mins. ENJOY!
Oh Pablo! I was TOTALLY jokin'!!!!! There are a boat-load of things in Life that I get waaaay too serious about....

But RAMEN isn't one of them!!! hahahaha :)
Too funny, yesterday I went to my mom's house for dinner and she had made a salad that included uncooked ramen.
Did she really make a salad that included UNCOOKED ramen? Wow. I'm not sure if I should be impressed or sad for you.
No! It is really good. You have to use it chopped up fine and it is a crunchy texture thing that works awesome in the salad. It was an Asian (not racist) dressing. It sat for a few hours and they softened up a bit. It was REALLY good.
I've had the salad you are referring to. I like it.
It's a good example of how you can use Ramen "outside the box".

Nice job, JMOM!!!!!
I might have to include that in my TD entry to honor thy mother. Of course, I told her how I would have done it differently. Sesame oil instead of vegetable, rice vinegar instead of white, etc etc.
Ok - yes, ground and slightly softened in Asian dressing sounds like it could be good. Though right now I'm more wondering about whether there are any leftovers of the crunchy fried chicken my son made last night........ off to the kitchen!
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