contest April is Ramen Challenge

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o.k. maybe ill choke on some ramen tonight,ill add half a pound of cheese,some hot sauce,get really drunk and feast.
i fo shizzle is going to make a pack tonight. i fo real have like flash backs eating this stuff. same goes with dial soap,i was in a youth home and all they had was dial,if i smell that shit to this day it gives me a crazy feeling,lol :rofl:
i fo real have like flash backs eating this stuff. same goes with dial soap

Sic...DONT eat dial soap!!!!

I don't care how delicious it'll give you a BAD case of bubble guts.


BTW, what up on the SoFlo visit???? You're in, right? We're expecting the Sic family to join in!!!!!
Sic and grandma will be throwing down ramen with BL[sup]2*[/sup] in SoFlo?

*Busch Light and Banana Leaves
Hey LB, a few days ago, weren't you bragging about how you got this in the bag????? :cool:

That was HHBetterHalf bragging she had the crown in the bag, and then she and I decided to split the Crown.
I love playing the dark horse.....

Got a great idea. Will I be available to execute?

.....we shall see.

Dark horse! I don't think so. What TD's did you win? I know Asian and seafood stuff, so actually, as a 5-crowner, you are the one to look out for.

(pressure lol)
my ramen will be so crazed it will win 7 crowns. then i will give away eight crowns and be -1 crowns! crowns are for the weak i mix crowns into my ramen and crap out steak and shrimp!
I knew this would beat out the previous smacktalk thread for posts. :rolleyes:

I thought about doing a guessing game for the number of posts there will be by the time the TD starts, but then figured someone would guess 30,000 and would then postpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpostpost (you get the idea...) to bump up the count.

Aw, well, it would of been fun~
We still have 2 weeks to go.

I have so many wonderful ideas swirling around in my head (most of them not-ramen related) I will have a hard time limiting it to one dish!
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