contest April is Ramen Challenge

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Great advice SL!!!

xc - git your pics on! You can post 'em on....

...Tex-Mex, Burgers, Wings, Poppers....or heck, just woo us on Photo Album!!!!

Can't wait kiddo!!!!! :)

where's my gerls?
Yep, Scovie, it's me, just checking in before snooze time. Spent 7 hours in the kitch making sauces today and I can't even wine. :( Another full day over the stove tomorrow. It's either cook hot sauce or do taxes........ what do you think I'd choose? :lol: especially since I have a new concoction to play around with. :woohoo:
xc, we passed 100 posts in the first DAY! But I don't know if we'll make it to 100 pages. BTW, xc, what did your family say when you told them you were going to cook ramen and post pictures for an online throwdown in a chile forum?

Oh, and that reminds me, do you have the whole "posting pictures" thing figured out? Got your photobucket (or whatever) album ready to go? If you haven't posted pictures on THP before, it would be a good idea to take a couple practice pics and post them somewhere. Heck, take a picture of a packet of ramen and post it here just for the practice. Posting pictures can be a little confusing if the person hasn't done it before. I think we had a couple people miss deadlines before cuz they couldn't get the pics uploaded.

Looking forward to seeing your skills, dude~


just got an ipod touch an hour ago (got some weird looks bein at walmart at 1:45) so now i have a workin camera and i have a photobucket account if you guys need to see my pic taking skills just check out my glog in a few days when i get back from pitt :) i am not that bad of a photographer i had a very bad camera and i still somehow got a few good pics with it check out my 2010 glog and you can see some of my lightning bolt habaneros and other pics :) my dad thought it was weird that i would do such a thing but oh well mom is all for me doing it i like being creative i am perfect in art and close to perfect in english this year :)
and i meant 100 pages sorry :)

can i post pics via mobile cause if so ill start wowing with some pics of my paranas (ok not paranas but oscars in my 40 gallon tank in my room) right now :)
Xc..... if you have internet on your phone you sure can post pics...... all my THPing including posting pics is on my mobile we don't have actual internet. Photobucket is a pain via mobile but it can be done. Take some pics go to pet thread and post those fishes!!!! :)
Well, let me just give you kudos for your descriptions XC! Once I thought about it, I have never seen one of your pics, BUT, you described them so well that I surely thought I had!!!! That, all by itself, is a gift!!!

Carry On Ramen-san!!!!!!! :)
I'm calling him Sport from now on.

He's got spirit, and has demonstrated a genuine apptitude for the TD's, even without showing us his photography skills (nor cooking prowess).

No doubt, Sport will win a crown one of these days. <--- Just a hunch.
:rolleyes: When are you guys gonna get it? Megan and I got this crown in the bag!


Don't even bother to enter, save your money.


xc~ you're set to go! Just wondering, are you financing this endeavor yourself or do you have a financial backer?
Poo poo that.

Bear's got it in the bag. And that's BL, of course.

My smack talk has been poo pood
I tried to keep it mainly about food.
People shut me down with roaring cries
Others did it with rolling eyes.

Since I won't be participatin
I'll just be here anticipatin.
Who will get my vote?
The ones who ain't been hatin.
SoFlo is gonna make your tongues smack your brains out. 20+ years (combined) of Ramen study. We are the Shaolin Masters of Ramen. And we have banana leaves.
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