contest April is Ramen Challenge

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Hold ON LB!!!! I distinctly remember a certain day....many, many weeks ago.....

...when you said you took a ramen recipe to a potluck and they went crazy over it....

...and we were all gonna "brit shicks" over it too!!!!

And I've been not-so-patiently waiting ever since. That post got me out of bed to post my vote for RAMEN!

BOLD. xoxoxo!
CJ, I use my Asian sauce with Ramen too. Why would you feel bad about that? THAT is what I made it for. I am nearly ready now for the TD. Squid Ink secured.
How funny would it be if THP announced that the Ramen topic was really just an early April Fools joke.....
I always thought it was.
If it turns out well, then I guess the joke is on me.
How funny would it be if THP announced that the Ramen topic was really just an early April Fools joke.....

That's what I was thinking about wing fest, since it ends on april 1st. "April fools! There is no basket of sauces for the winner. Haha"

I think I'll make some wings anyway though.
Some Americans are going to have to come down here and hype up wings.
Seriously, no one cares about them and most have never had them down here. I never have.
In OZ, chicken is all about thighs and drumsticks hot, and breastmeat cold for sandwiches or something. The rest of the chook can bugger off.
Pretty much only asians care about chicken wings down here, but then again they eat chicken feet and head/beaks as well (not racist), so we leave them to the wings as well.
Wings haven't been popular here for very long. I remember when they were the cheapest chicken parts you could buy, but now are quite expensive. More expensive than legs and thighs.
I'm guessing it might be regional in OZ, as well, or generally limited to some groups, but not others. You can find chicken feet here, for example, but not usually in the larger grocery stores; you may have to go to an Asian specialty store for those, or a farmers' market. But in certain areas of the deep South, they're more common. I'm not terribly into wings, myself. I'll eat them, of course, but there's too little payoff for the hassle, IMO, so don't usually seek them out. You want sauced chicken? Do the same on thighs - more meat, more tender.
Not a fan of livers. I am interested in certain meats that go to waste otherwise, like cow tongue or tripe.
I'm not serious about the asians and their wings and chicken feet comment BTW. If I do make ramen for the TD, there will be chicken feet and pig trotters/necks involved!

Just never cared two hoots for expensive chicken wings. Only ever ate them when I buy a 1/4 of a chicken for it's breast meat, the wing comes with it. They're the only times I've even eaten a wing, and that's rare because I prefer the thigh/leg anyway. IE it's not something I'd seek out or buy just a bag of wings unless they were almost free, I'd rather buy thighs or legs.
Most people down here feel the same, so chicken wings aren't a 'thing' down here for most people.
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