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Right now my favorite is the Red Bhutlah x Bubblegum 7.  But that is mainly because I have one growing in my front window, and I have been cooking with fresh pods semi-regularly as of late.
What is your favorite meal to prepare using fresh hot peppers???
It depends on the meal, but I usually prefer cooking with fresh pods.  I will often add pepper powder as well though.
What about you???
My outdoor garden is done for the year, unfortunately.  But I still have 4 plants in my front window, and they are all doing great at the moment.  I'm also planning on building a tent in the near future, so I can grow even more pepper plants during the fall/winter months.  I'm quickly going overboard with this new hobby.  LOL.

How about you?

6 plants in 2 gallon containers.  The footprint of the tent will be 4'x5'.

What is your routine for keeping your pepper plants happy in 90+ degree weather?
Crappy.  We had about an inch of rain overnight, and more rain is expected throughout the day.  Our backyard would seriously be a mud pit right now if it wasn't for all the fallen leaves.

What kinds of teas do you like to make for your plants?
Compost teas primarily.Mostly steeped.I find it's not necessary to brew teas.

No rain in my part of the country to speak of do you get freezes?
We sure do.  I even have a black belt in shoveling snow.

Do you ever use ingredients like aloe, kelp meal, in teas and/or foliar sprays?
NY.  Buffalo area.  Our winters can be brutal.

What is your least favorite aspect of gardening???
I'd say discovering pests insects hornworms but every year it's just something we have to deal with unfortunately.

What's your least favorite ?
I haven't even been gardening long enough to figure out what my least favorite part of it is.  I've honestly been enjoying everything about it thus far, even the problems.

Do you mix your own soil, and if so, what is your recipe???
I've been using soilless mix, but I really want to start mixing my own soil.  That seems to be the most cost effective way of growing a shit ton of hot peppers.
What do you do with your soil at the end of the season???
Yeah. It was just the cheapest way for me to get started.  But now that I have read a whole lot more on the subject, particularly organic gardening, I'm trying to make the switch to more sustainable methods sooner rather than later.

What is your process for recycling your soil?
I pile it up and add stuff like earthworm castings,alfalfa meal,bat guano and mushroom compost.Mix it all together and your all set for the new season.Water in with Molasses this is important.

Never tried hydro how were your results?