Im all about admiring nature and its beauty and leaving it be... If needed i will kill to eat, but as it is not currently needed with the supermarket down the road and a pantry full of pasta, nature is for viewing and learning... Even with food available at stores etc, I live by only eating meats, fish etc when my body says you need to eat that... I know we are made to eat meat etc,but not exclusively like some people live... And I cant live by the out of sight out of mind sanitary view of prepackaged goods... I still feel bad everytime im eating an animal, and i appreciate it... perhaps thats my american indian blood (Genetically I am majority American Indian, Iroquois, but physically I look like one of hitlers perfect germans, tall white dirty blonde, the rest of my family are all dark hair, tan skin etc... Black sheep)...
Group of people or one on one?