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Some of you call me pi and others pie. Thankfully no one calls me piles anymore. If they do I'll beat them with my stump!

Shouldn't I go back to bed?(my doctors would want that)
Piles! :rofl:

I still like that one the best! (but will most certainly remember not to call you it now)

Back on track... Are you still sleepy?
Sure is, NJA. No word of a lie, I had them and had to go see a bum doctor to put bands on them. Not the most pleasant experience of my life, I tell you that!

Why on earth did I just share that??
NJA, YOU had a wicked thought? I'm SHOCKED!

G, yes I am sleepy and I have no idea why you shared that with us.

Should I just stay up all night?
The way I see it, it gives me the right to laugh and make jokes about them!

No need for the support group type jazz, NJA. :P j/k!

Why not? Stay up all night! Yeah?
it depends on how obscure the ingredients are... if i can get ahold of them easy enough then probably :) always up for experimentation :)

how is your evening going?
Good! Just bummin' around doing nothing in particular.

I'm in the middle of a 4 day weekend. YAY!!!

How's the non-drinking detox going?
lucky you!!! the non drinking is fine.. not sleeping like usual... working like usual.. pita!!! I'll allow myself a drink or two tomorrow night.. it'll be friday after all!! gotta get it whilst I can!! thats alright isnt it?? :P
mel, why not? I been off the drinky too but had one last night to celebrate my long weekend.

Pie, I did not know that! :P

I can't think of question... who has one?
me!! i've got one!!!!

what are you going to do over the aussie winter when fresh pods are very rare?? if not in aus... how many fresh pods are you going to get stuck into?

(apart from the woolies ones of course... and you know I actually saw red habs for sale at the fishmarkets on the weekend?? didnt buy any... but prolly should have as I dont think they'll be round for long!)