• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!


LOL - No foul in answer a question with a question here!

Interesting question there.... If I did what I originally wanted to do (neurosurgery), yes, but I might not have come to find what I really ENJOY doing, and am now working on getting to a point where I can do that full-time.

What is the FIRST thing you do after you wake up in the morning?
Make myself look beautiful/primp . . if you could spend one day with your favorite celeb,who would they be and what activities would you engaged in?
@geeme - not if you "accidentally" chop off a finger in a bizarre vacuuming accident. Barring that, yeah - probably.

@xFeelAlivex - likely it would be MIla Kunis, and this forum is way too PG-13 for me to appropriately describe the activities. Suffice to say it would involve grape jelly, an abacus and a wide selection of bubble bath products.

Why did the page convert all my typing to Bold?
Blinking the sleep from my eyes and loathing that I have to drag a razor across my face in a few mins.

Which of the following are sports:
1. Badminton
2. Golf
3. Beach volleyball
5. Speed walking
Which of the following are sports:
1. Badminton my step mom's school has won a state title in this(lots of Vietnamese people)
2. Golf, it takes athletic ability to hit that little effing ball straight! i have tried
3. Beach volleyball OH YES, MMMMMMMMM woman beach volleyball! i played back in the day what a work out
4. NASCAR _ if you considering drinking beer a sport....then yes
5. Speed walking, this is a sport in a senior citizen neighborhood

i have been looking for that hottest pepper in the world you know that Trinidad T-butch pepper, can you give me some seeds?
i was kidding, i was just making a funny at the new people that show up one this site and come right out asking for the worlds hottest pepper seeds! i dont really like the flavor of the butch T!
that is crazy about speed walking!

it would taste like broccoli!

dont you just hate the request that newbies always ask for
haha - being a n00b myself, nah - I'm sure I'll be annoying for a while too?

And good answer! :rofl: though I squeeze lemon on my al dente steamed broccoli and dust lightly with fresh ground sea salt. mmmm

Beans: red, black or pinto?
he wanted to race you on his motorcycle, that's why.

If you met a girl, hit it off brilliantly and thought she was a solid "8" looks-wise, but she confided in you that she's a post-op transgender who used to be named "Steve", how would you handle it?