• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!


No, but thanks.
Do you want to share my breakfast? I made two sunnyside up eggs, some hickory smoked bacon, sourdough cheese toast and potatoes. Smothered with hot sauce. And coffee to drink.
Mmmm - sounds GOOD! But too late - had breakfast already, and am fixing to slap a steak in the CI for lunch.

Do you want to share my lunch?
Thanks but I made lunch before breakfast. My sister is coming over.

My breakfast offer was for spongey since he has a broken ankle. But since I am a double leg amputee shouldn't someone cook for me instead?
Spongey should definitely cook for you instead.

Will I be able to sleep tonight? (Test/procedure/whatever-you-want-to-call-it tomorrow...)
iPad fo sho!

I'm sending you awesome thoughts Pi. I had no idea. You're a cool chick!

I'll be thinking of you G!

Are you as hungover as I am?
[sub]Just tea. Once I am off of this medication I have a LOT of drinking to do.[/sub]
[sub]Thanks SD, you're very perceptive![/sub]
[sub]What will songey cook for me?[/sub]
The latest Sherlock Holmes movie - just yesterday.

Don't you think spongey should cook something more for Pi than grilled cheese, hold the cheese?