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Reasonable? Sure. Realistic? That's a different story......

Will the whole drive/park/walk/bus/walk thing work better next week?
(Too many times it was drive/park/walk/walk/walk this week.... PITA when it's very cold and/or snowing.)
I'm wearing a striped blue shirt, black jeans, comfy suede moccasins and beige socks, with an access badge around my neck. Not for access, but in case i need to hang myself at any point during one of my conference calls.

Will I ever be able to escape this corporate hell and do what I want?
If you want it bad enough to do what it takes to get there and make the right move at the right time, yes.

Easier said than done?
Perfectly reasonable!

What do you want MOSTEST? (besides sexual favors?????)

damn, wrong page again...gotta get my mojo merkin...uh, I mean Mojo Werkin'!
Hold on...I can only do this when I'm 2+ wines deep...obviously I'm on my first...gotta warm up...

No & Yes Pi - do both!

Fav season....Spring, Summer, Fall, or Winter?
No. I've certainly done stuff I shouldn't have, and when I realize it, I regret it. Period. The regret was "earned" - no going back on it. If you regret regretting something, it wasn't really regretted in the first place, now was it? Isn't that considered "false regret"?