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i think the fact that it is my ankle and to keep it elevated i am not moving very much and it is not HOT here and all smells.jam comes from sweat. and i have alcohol swabs that i use to clean my toes and between them so its not bad.

hot warm will it be in your neck of the woods today?
sure, have one for me too! as i dont drink anymore. i will have some home made medicated chocolate though! :high:

here is my view from the couch.

is it sunny where you are at?
Love love love sushi. Had it Fri night. Hamachi is my favorite. Yummmmm!


You should start ASAP!

I have always been a little afraid of the garbage disposal. I still am. Is this an irrational phobia or a healthy respect?
Definitely both, anything that can rip your hand off deserves a healthy respect, with a dash of phobia.

How do you feel about trash compactors?
HAHAHAHA SCoville! thats not "Sushi" i am a big fan of traditional sushi, none of this cream cheese filled deep fried stuff. dont get me wrong its all tasty! but i am there for the saashmi, nigiri, albacore, and so on!

compactors are good for getting rid of midgets

i think it is about time for :high: dont you?
too bad, that stuff really needs to be legalized or decriminalized!

boxers are great, 3 of my friends have them and all 3 are very good dogs, trained very young! great around kids, house/crate trained. one of them i have dog sat for her 4 times in the last 3 years from the time she was 3 months old till a few months ago. little hyper at times, but once you get her out and play with her, she will just chill the rest of the night

what is your ideal dog to have if you could choose?
0 at the moment, we cannot have them at our apt complex. but in the next 2 years we will be buying a house, then i will look, possible a giant malmute(i love HUGE dogs)

how manydogs do you have?