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I make it a goal to laugh out loud at myself at least 3 times a day.
(I tend to take myself too seriously)
My least favorite chore is cleaning out the fridge - I try to never do it sober!

Have you ever traveled out of the country?
Some people look at me and think that I left planet Earth and was probed by aliens.
Why do some people get their panties in a bunch?
Well. Yes. But more than that, it didn't make sense.

Isn't the obvious answer that sicman should PLANT IT WITH PEPPERS???
Much like the elusive question mark, motivation is a rare breed these days. It starts with one foot in front of the other - however that's difficult to do when sitting on the couch with a scotch in hand.

They call it a restroom, but it's not all that restful. I think it would be lovely to get a back massage while taking a dump. So while we have massage chairs and massage recliners, why has no one yet invented a massaging terlet? :?:
The visual on that is actually not pleasant to me....... and somehow reminds me of when one of my kids was young and would start singing while on the terlet. I had to stop the singing, or he'd be in there for hours - problem when you only have one terlet in the house.

Do you find starting over easy or hard?
Having started over twice now (Horticulture/Greenhouse Mgt --> Information Technology --> Project Management) I find it difficult, yet rewarding. Also there's not really any such thing as starting over. You are the sum of your experiences. I learned this through my processes - once I got to Project Mgt (IT-specific) I realized how much PM I did in Horticulture. In IT I realized how much my management skillset was being used. Your path in life helps to define you - so you never actually "start over" - you just learn something new and apply it to your total package.

Don't you love the terms "chil'rens", "all y'all" and "terlet"? What other "slang" do you regularly use that makes you smile/laugh?
As someone who grew up in TX, I never heard a Texan say "all y'all" - it's just "y'all". I also laugh when I see people spell it "ya'll" instead of "y'all" - as a contraction of "you" and "all". My favorite "slang" word is "bisgetti" - it comes from when my youngest sister was little and couldn't pronounce "spaghetti" correctly. I'm sure she's not the only one who did that, but I don't know how wide-spread "bisgetti" is, as to whether it's truly considered slang or not. I picked up the term when she was little, and still say it today.

Do you have to pee RIGHT NOW???
I waited for a while to respond and YES, as a matter of fact I do.

Before I go though, first I'll correct you: the plural of "y'all" is "all y'all". :D (kidding)

How old do you have to be to stop doing "the potty dance" when you really have to pee? Uh, no reason....brb!
Hypothetically, age probably isn't a factor, in and of itself. I think it's more a case of knowing when to go and actually making yourself go before it becomes a problem, and most people over, say, the age of five usually understand the timing thing. But I suspect that if, for some reason, you were prevented from going when you knew you really should, you'd be doing "the potty dance" all over again!

Are you planning a vacation get-away for this summer?