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Since I don't know who or what The Clash is...... prolly not.

Why did I not realize the biography I just purchased was going to be HUGE?
Sorry, still no favs - I like a WIDE variety of music. I can tell you I don't like some kinds, but just change the channel when that comes on.

DId your avvy just fart???
[sup]I can't smell anything other than the chicken I just cooked.[/sup]
[sup]We know that neither g nor I have faves. Anyone else that feels that way?[/sup]
I think a lot more people feel that way than realize it - our culture just tries to condition us from childhood, starting with ridiculous things like "what's your favorite color?" I never understood that, even as a child - I'd say some color because I knew that was expected, but seriously, WTF????

So what about you? Are you a puppet of our culture, favs and all?