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They get mad because they don't have $5 to spend.

To clarify something:
No, I have really short hair, and also I am a male. We don't do that. That's a chick thing. Just sayin'.
If you look long enough and pay close enough attention, you'll see guys with long hair do the same thing - it's really a hair thing, rather than a chick thing. Just sayin'........ ;o)

Did you know that already?
Well yeah - I had really long hair (down to my booty) but I never did that. I did however let it down like Cousin It to "hide" if I was in a grumpy mood. It never worked - girls would come up and want to play with my hair, which actually made me less grumpy, so in that sense I guess it did work.

Are you a good listener?
Yes - geographically speaking.....

dammit - I come in here with a great Q, get all distracted "catching up", and completely forget the great Q I came in with!!!!
You all suck....:) xoxoxoxoxoxoxox!

do you like Elvis Costello?
How about.....
In Sierra Leone, Liberia, and a section of Guinea, most of the ethnic groups have masquerades performed by women (as well as men.) This is the only region in Africa where it is acceptable for women to dance with sacred masks. Some of the groups include the Temne, Vai, Kpelle, Kissi, and Mende.

Did that work for you?