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My brain. I tried holding my previous deepest secret in my hand one time but I inadvertently put it down somewhere and lost it...

Do you use fluoridated or non-fluoridated toothpaste?
It's kind of the culture to do so where I grew up. :lol:

Funny, I was just talking about the exact same thing with someone two nights ago.

Trippy or what?

Some of even the better vintners here are starting to use screw-top bottles for safety purposes - less chance of nasties collecting, so they say. I'll focus on the wine instead of the cap, thank you.

Any pics of you in a tux?
I'll take the F. :P

Seriously, the photos are someone on one of, probably at this point being close to literally, a thousand discs.

Maybe I should start labeling my discs or at least invest in a removable hard drive or something?

(Or I could just stop being such a digital hoarder too, I guess.... :lol:)
What exactly is the digital data dance?

(If it involves going through millions upon millions of files looking for something, then chances are I have!)
The hard drive on my old computer died. The way it died, they can't just slave it to another machine to get the data off of it. The only way they MIGHT be able to get the data, I'm told, is to send it across the country to a place that will take it into a clean room, take it apart, and work their magic - and even then, it might not work. They'll charge $1,000 even if they don't recover anything..... Damn. I really want some of that stuff....

Then some guy who is a help desk manager told me they are sometimes successful with getting the data off if they freeze the hard drive first - freeze it, slap it in the computer, then boot up. Am I crazy for being paranoid about trying this?
Paranoid in what way?

And is it sensitive data? Personally, I would be more paranoid of them actually recovering the data and then stealing it! :lol:
Some of it, yes. And that's why trying the trick with freezing the hard drive would be worth a shot. Well, I guess part of what's holding me back is just the time factor. I could try it out before I head to PATB, but right now I don't want to think.

Would you come over and do it for me?
Yep. Just one week before the next semester starts, and I'm fried from the last one.

Is there a wall socket I can just plug into, to make it go faster?