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I dunno. Ever since I broke my ankle, I wake up at 4am whether I want to or not. Not saying I get up, just wake up.

If you could go only one place away from where you live right now, where would you go?
LOL - We were talking about going overseas earlier.... and now you would just go to your neighbor's house??? :lol:

I'll rephrase - if you had to leave your continent as part of the trip, where would you go?
Are we talking continents, countries or what? I would LOVE to see most of Europe, and oooh.... South America!

But one place you say? :think:

The Czech Republic... 'cause my grandma was from there.

One place. Where would YOU go?
The Czech Republic sounds good. Some of my favorite bands are from there.

Are you familiar with Uz Jsme Doma or Deverova Chyba?
My superpower would be the ability to cause others to have massive diarrhea, but if I had to be one pepper it would be the jalapeno - most people would want to eat me.

If you were stranded on a deserted island and could have seeds of only one variety to grow, which would it be?
cayenne because it has alot of uses in my cooking.

How long do you stand in front of the beer section staring before you choose one, or more?
I do believe there may be no need for me to answer that....

Is it REALLY Monday morning here and time to get ready for the start of another (brutal) week of work?


A beerless life!

If you came over here, it would have been 2:30 in the afternoon on Sunday at the time you posted that. AND it's a national holiday here, so you wouldn't be going to work the next day, either.

Do you have me for pointing that out now?