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So sexy it hurts!


Whatcha think about thaaat?
Mostly I'm wondering who it is, because he strangely looks a lot like my youngest brother!

How many "twins" do you think you have on this planet right now?
When said person says or does something idiotic.

What makes you think that someone is not an idiot?

(For you, G:)


That is all.

Why did I eat all of my TD entry last night, and didn't I know I'd feel like I have a brick in my stomach the rest of the night if I did? (But it was GOOD!)
I think it was planned that way - no matter how smart we people think we are, we're really just not ALL THAT.

What was the last thing you did that you thought was smart, but in retrospect was really dumb?
You know, I'm feeling burned out, but not unhappy. I think the big problem is that I'm not getting enough sleep - I keep waking up through the night because my ankle hurts.

Do you think that once I start getting more consistent sleep, that will change?