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"Own" one? The thought of owning anything "humanoid" (yeah, I know they're made up, but look - they wear overalls!) is just beyond me.

Owning seems to imply they would be for sale. Would you buy one just to give it it's freedom?
It is OK but not advisable. They are crafty and can easily escape from a closet. Your best bet is to sink a dungeon under your house and chain them up with heavy gauge chains, as they are stronger than they look..... I imagine.

I'm seriously considering spending $500 on something tomorrow. Without knowing what it is do you think I should?
Unfortunately, TPBY is someone who's been a financial advisor, so without knowing more, I can neither advise for or against it.

At least give us a hint? (But, if it's a massive box of condoms, maybe keep it to yourself... :lol: )
You know..... it's been aaaaages since I did any drawing.

Isn't it funny how something you used to be right into can just slip away over time?
Yes it is funny....... and tragic as my electric guitar gently weeps in the closet collecting dust :(

I won't tell you what it is I have decided to buy anyway ;) (sadly not a massive box of condoms)

Is it better to be a jack of all trades or a master of one?
Hmm.... I don't see not mastering "everything else" as being hopeless. Part of being human is needing others in our lives. Better to excel at a few things, IMO, and be willing to take help from those who excel at other things. Tit for tat, as they say - you help them, in turn, with what you excel at.

So did you draw anything yet? Huh? Huh?
Not yet.

Master of one is not the same as master of some. You can't be a master of one and excel at "a few things". It just doesn't work that way. One thing... that's all you get! :lol:

Given those two options, I stand by my choice.

Jack of all trades, master of none, certainly better than a master of one?
Nowadays, it makes no sense to be master of only one thing. With all the changes in technology happening so quickly (well, except maybe for toasters....) you are at risk for finding yourself labelled "obsolete" before you know it. So "one" ought to really be "two" at a minimum, or "three" for just-in-case.

I'm going to bed now - are you going to tuck me in, albeit virtually?
ahem.... sorry to interupt you two... :oops:

It should be noted that if you are really good at one thing then people will forgive you almost anything. (I think thats a line from a film)

If you had your choice of one thing and only one thing to be the absolute best in the world at what would it be?