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Only when you're in it alone.

What's the most number of times you have listened to a song on repeat in a single session without getting tired of it?
I limit it at 3. Anything more and you can risk killing it.

Don't you hate that? You find an awesome track, play the crap outta it, and it just dies?
I do hate that but I'm always trying to listen to new music so it doesn't happen.

Do always keep checking your sown seeds for hooks even though you know nothing will have happened since you looked an hour ago?
Well, if I can tell one's about to pop, yes. Otherwise, no. But that's just it - being able to tell when one is SO CLOSE and then coming back an hour later and finding it did pop is just about the most addictive thing!

Oh, and thanks gassy, for tucking me in last night! ;)

How thrilled are we about returning to work after a long weekend?
I am guessing not that thrilled. (At least I wouldn't be!)

Damn.... I forgot to come in and get tucked in last night! :lol:

How thrilled am I going to be when I return to work in like a week after my four weeks holiday?
Ecstatic beyond words, For you are so bored right now during your time off, you're playing internet forum games.

Given that both time and space are infinite, and that the Universe is infinite as well, would you like a toasted teacake?
Sorry, you're first going to have to defend the statement that time is infinite. You have only 24 hours to convince me of this. Are you up to it?
After 20, it speeds up exponentially year after year. When you turn 80, 81 will hit you so fast you'll wonder where 80 went.

Where's that drawing, sweet cheeks?
It depends. A friend joking around with me? Go for it! Someone I'm doing business with? Don't even think about it!

What's the best you've got?