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Oh, I dunno... pi is quite the trickster!

How many of us (including me) have been guilty of switching the Person Below Me and Ask the Next Person threads?
No - it's longer than a mega novel!
There is another thread, though, which I have paged through the entire thing and only read the first post on every page; it was a riot! Wish I remembered which one it was, but I'm sure plenty would be fair game for that task.

Is that something you will try now?

(PS - It might have been this thread, but it's been quite a while, so I'm not sure.)
Heh - today is my first full day back to work after getting brochitis. I wasn't really ready for it, either.... Best wishes!

Have you voted in the TD yet?
Sheeet. You just reminded me. Better git me ass on over there!

I was actually gonna enter this one too until time got away from me. (shoulda, coulda, woulda, huh?)

Reckon I would have got any votes for Damper-style Roo Pizza? :lol: