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I really like your perspective G. Couldn't agree more.

I am very sleepy. I should be sleeping but no I am trolling around here......

Who needs sleep anyway??????
No. If that were true, the global population would be 50% male and 50% female, amongst other things. On the other hand, for those who do marry, I believe the person they marry is their "one special person" - you get out of marriage what you put into it, and if both partners decide to devote themselves to the marriage and put the effort into it, things will work out splendidly. But as they say, it takes two....

Are you sleepy?
i am sleepy and really need it but kids need attention first.

So you're not a fan of gay marriage?
Yes, thanks..... I'm not normally a caffeine fan, but the past two days and nights have been ROUGH. Bleh. Hope I sleep all night tonight...

Moo - Fact is that you get out of any relationship what is put into it, and that means by both parties involved. A relationship will not be healthy and happy unless both parties are contributing towards the well-being of the relationship. This is true of friendships, marriages, and even jobs (ie - one's relationship with one's boss), amongst other things.

I don't really care for the taste of coffee, but do enjoy the flavored coffees (like General Foods Int'l Coffees) from time to time. I also like a Coke on occasion. If you drink caffeine, what is your preferred poison?
Generally if regular coffee is offered, I decline it and ask for water instead.

Why would you take something you don't like, because it was offered and you don't know what else is available?
Out of politeness?

(I have before for that reason. Seems kinda silly to accept something you don't like and thinking it to be polite now that I think about it though.)
LOL. Some time ago I was talking about something like this with someone, who asked me what I would think if the roles were reversed - what if I offered something to someone? Fact is, if they didn't like it I wouldn't be offended - we all have different likes and dislikes. I would simply offer something else. In fact, I would want them to be happy with what I gave them, which to me, wanting my guest to be happy is more polite, anyway. So in a role reversal, if you offered coffee to a guest and they told you they don't like coffee then asked what else you had, would you be offended?
Not at all. Not everyone likes coffee. And those people we put a papier-mâché Marti Gras head over their head, then bound them backwards onto a horse and send them into the desert to die.

Does anyone remember where that reference is from?
I would have sent my son to the grocery store to do the shopping - cupboards are pretty bare right now, and my tummy's saying "it's brekky time!"

Trim or pluck?
Phearis gulag. two men enter one man leaves. Now I can hear saxophone in my head!

Beard and head hair = trim
Nose and freaky errant hairs = pluck

Does anyone else find there is a very thin line (pun intended) between appropriately trimmed eyebrows, which includes not at all if you can get away with it, and far too over the top hideously disgustingly thin eyebrows? Or is it just me?
Yeah, it's not just you. I like my eyebrows to look fairly natural, so pluck them just enough to give them a clean look. On my list of no-no's: a) plucked too thin, b) plucked in a perfect arch, c) completely plucked and either of the prior 2 tattooed in place, and d) completely plucked and any shape tattooed in the wrong place (too high is most common that I've seen.)

Is that ridiculous of me?