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It's supposed to rain, and there is a leak in the roof, so no. On the other hand, that also means I don't have to water my non-pepper plants, so yes.

Isn't life all about taking the bad with the good and still being satisfied?
I don't care what you look like, I care more about intelect and personality.
Both of which you have an abundance of. And with that said, yes I would.

Sooooo, what do you say?
They can, but most people don't have what it takes to make that happen. Well, most people are lazy - and outta sight, outta mind.

What's the farthest away someone's been whom you've dated?

Naps are good, don't you think?

(And Pi, I'm with Phearis - a kind smile, having something worth talking about, and a pleasant personality are more important than physical appearance to anyone who's worth having. Look how many good-looking couples end up divorced. Much more important to be beautiful within and let it shine out. That's hard to believe sometimes, with our appearance-driven society, but people who've grown up know it's true. Besides - beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. Don't judge yourself!)
Gassy..... you'd better sit down for this one. Sitting yet? Good. The reality is that you've NEVER been a spring chicken - you've ALWAYS been human!

Did I burst your paradigm?
I don't eat bread, it's bad for you. I eat whole grains in skim milk for breakfast instead.

Does anyone here have a Facebook?