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Funny you ask that. I hate stoppage in football. An hour game takes 2+ hours to play??? Wtf?!?! I prefer soccer. An hour and a half maybe 15mins extra for stoppage time. And they're constantly moving.

Anyone else like soccer???
I thought we covered that already.... ick. I like bacon while I'm eating it, but then I want the taste gone. That's pretty much true of other things, too - steak, veggies, fruit...

Are we going to get a pic of Phearis's boobs now?
Only about 15% happy but if squint I can get it up to 40%

It's 440am so I'm going to bed. I'm not tired though.

Would you just stay up in this situation?
:lifts up shirt and has a look:

Don't know about boobs but I got nipplies!

I've never thought about this before until now.... why do blokes even have nipplies??
That's a really good question......
Factoid, since this is breast cancer awareness month in ye olde U.S.: Though not as common, men get breast cancer, too. I even worked with a guy who got annual mammograms because it was so prevalent in his family.

TPBM is a guy and is now trying to erase the thought of getting a mammogram from his mind.....
Close but its more a kinky fantasy with a sexy nurse thing, and I'm not really trying that hard to erase he thought ;)


I have also started doing chilli vodka shots, which explains the caps.

TPBM will reveal if they are are a happy drunk or a mean drunk.

edit: hey you tricked me into thinking this was the TPBM thread!

Ok the questions is are you happy or mean drunk?

I am told I am a fun drunk, so I guess that means happy. But to be honest, I don't get drunk very often at all.... I've got too many obligations for that!

I'm driving across the state tomorrow - any idea how many hours I'm referring to?
Well if you are in USA then it could be anything, so no. You have big states and small states and lots in between. I've driven for 7 hours on high speed country roads in my state and not even crossed a 1/4 of it.

Don't get drunk often myself but when I do my introvert becomes extrovert and I apparently freak people out a bit.

Which state are you in?
I can, I went to "Hot Doug's" for a sandwich and asked for the hottest,spiciest possible. Which was their Andouille Sausage....HA. I also asked for some hot trimmings and they put Italian Giardiniera on the "Cajun" style sandwich!!!

The place that has "The Claim of Fame" for heat.....now has the claim of shame!

Why can't these places get it done right?