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Boring... perhaps. But it's like 4am in the morning and I've just gotten up after having like only 4 hours sleep.

Sleeping is what I would rather be doing right now too!

When your alarm goes off, for like that instant, do you ever have these crazy ideas like there must be some way to trick time or something so you can go back to sleep?
Heh. I do work and have an alarm clock, but it's more like a snooze alarm. I'm always awake before it goes off, anyway. Just color me jealous, Pi.

Is there a pepper you are growing this year about which you've decided you won't grow next year?
I look them in the eye and tell them I will buy them something to eat, but I will not give them cash (I don't carry cash, anyway.) Then I ask if they would like me to buy them some food. I've only ever had one take me up on it, and that was about 20 years ago. So I guess not!

What about you?
The worst part is not knowing if it is blokes or sheilas doing the grabbing!

Far out, it's been like a thousand years since I been crowd surfing!

Ever stage dived?
Yeah that would be bad I suppose....
I can imagine something a little worse though

How much money would you have to be paid to do this yourself? Name a figure.
I'm not even gonna dignify that question with an answer. :P

To be honest, I didn't watch the vid but I got a fair idea of what's probably gonna happen.

What is wrong with people?? :crazy:
Watch it gas its seriously funny.

And its a serious question, well mean it seriously :P Imagine you come upon this scene and a multi billionaire offers you a sum of money to do it, and you are guarranteed that the money will be paid. The only variable in question is up to you and is the minimum amount of money required to get you in there?
Gotta admit, no amount of money would work for me. I have this "strange" idea about humanity needing to retain at least a little bit of dignity and respect, even for one's self.

Any change the sun will turn orange today?
Now that you mention it.... the setting sun here yesterday was orange (and freakin' huge!).

Is there some kind of celestial event going on that I didn't hear about?
Yeah, a micro-singularity is passing by Jupiter tonight. There's a 1:630 chance that Jupiter will be consumed by it. If that happens, it will disrupt the gravitational forces throughout the solar system. So pretty much, we'll be screwed if that happens.

Coke or Pepsi and why?
Neither if there is something else. That said I'm drinking coke right now :P

..and I guess after 8 years of picking up puppy poo and another 8 and a half years (still continuing) of changing nappies I'd take a 5 minute bath in crap for a million dollars then go to a very thorough day spa or something and have a team of people scrub the sh@t out of me ;)

Now you know that if we met would you shake hands with moo ?