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We are closing in on him. Legit sources confirm he is somewhere in this vacinity:

But can you tell me, where in the world is Carmen Sandiego??
She's sitting at the round table in the above pic.
Why is it illegal to box a kangaroo in Oregon when there are no kangaroos there anyhow?
Because old travelling shows where you used to box Roo's.
Screw Carmen Sandiego, where the hell is Flight MH370?
I get my inspiration from the best. ;)
Am I gonna spend another day on the computer or am I going to get out and enjoy the cold while it lasts?
He might like that burning sensation you get when you come in from the cold into a nice warm place. Think about icy cold toes then jumping into a warm bath- yeah that feeling.
Whats on the agenda for the weekend?
Don't know yet, but I'm getting off this computer, that's for damn sure! Been on holidays and haven't done a thing but sit on here and complain that I haven't done a thing. :rolleyes:
Nova said:
He might like that burning sensation you get when you come in from the cold into a nice warm place. Think about icy cold toes then jumping into a warm bath- yeah that feeling.
THAT. How do most people not get that?
Yeah i have plans. Going to watch a junior soccer match Saturday morning then take my downhill steed out to see if i can find any new trails. Then come home and drink beer until i am good and drunk whilst messing up the kitchen. Sunday....who knows maybe hit up the pub for a nice lunch.
Tell me YOUR plans for the weekend...
Just bought about 4lbs of manzanos. Gotta process those. Have a buddy, that I have not seen in years, visiting Saturday. Maybe Bbq. Thinking about going yard saleing on Sunday.

Can a manzano be dried?