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Well I have 17 lbs. of beef that i'm turning into jerky right now. It beats slim jims!
Don't ya think we should stick to tequila since beer is better cold?
Tequila, Sake, hwhisky, juice boxes, tang

Three days, shit I'm bringin peppers. I can't go that long without the burn. Are ya with me on this?
Do you think we'll see any of those old test capsules with dead animals/humans floating around space from when the US and Russia were trying to make it to the moon?
Not unless you go into space or they are retrieved from space. If they re-entered the earths atmosphere they would burn up.
How do you teach a nine year old to math?
Probably, but only if it has military applications and is more practical than throwing lead around.
First word that comes into your head, what was it?
Ok, i will remember to not remind you to pack your pixel collection device.
Have you ever inhaled a fart and held it in like a bong hit?
Don't rain in space.

Mr. Edd was in rehab for betting on the Kentucky derby.

I'm thinkin Gas will take the most picks. Wadnt ithis idea to go?