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Eating pretty much only unhealthy shit junk food for a good half my life. As a result, even though I have made some massively dramatic changes to my diet over the last year or so, my digestion is up the shit. Lots and lots and lots of work to do thanks to my dumb teenage/young adult self. :banghead:
Have you ever done something that did not end well for you, at all, but yet you don't regret doing it, even in the slightest?
gasificada said:
Have you ever done something that did not end well for you, at all, but yet you don't regret doing it, even in the slightest?
Yeah, I had kids. :neutral:
Besides hot stuff, what is your addiction?
Asain food. Actually pretty much asian anything. No, wife is not asain.

Told my son that the more math you know the more money you will end up making. Agree?
nope, I don't drink anymore. But if I did it would be some tequila corralejo reprosado
Biggest regret of an encounter with the opposite sex?  (ie waking up with a blimp from bar or finding out she was only 15 ect) 
Do you speak from personal experience? To be honest, I've given a dog a bone. Do I regret it? Maybe a little, but hey, it happens.
What was your first real concert?
TrueNorthReptiles said:
What was your first real concert?
First one I ever went to of my own volition was Marilyn Manson back in 96-97 at Mancuso theater in Omaha Nebraska. 3 hits of blotter and not a single seat in the house all open floors.   Best concert ever! 
What was the worst concert you ever been to? 
Megadeth. Nothing about that concert went right. Between the horrible sound quality (just white noise) and Dave Mustaine being Dave Mustaine, it was a very disappointing night.
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?
TrueNorthReptiles said:
Megadeth. Nothing about that concert went right. Between the horrible sound quality (just white noise) and Dave Mustaine being Dave Mustaine, it was a very disappointing night.
I had the same problem with a tool concert at Rosemont in Chicago. Horrible seating, crowded, could barely see, audio quality I ended up leaving after about 30 mins. 
TrueNorthReptiles said:
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

What's the worst animal bite you have gotten?
Hmm, that could be one of two. I got rocky mountain spotted fever (first case in Wyoming in over 20 years) from a tick that caused me a week stay in the hospital. Another was a bite from a rat. We used to breed feeder and pet quality rats, so I have handled thousand of rats and they are NOT prone to biting like a hamster. That was my one and only rat bite and it was not out of aggression. It was an elderly pet rat that had a seizure. It quickly became badly infected and landed me in the hospital for 3 days on IV antibiotics.
Have you ever had a relationship (no matter how brief) with someone who was not in your age bracket?
I have both been a cougar and cat food. I was 23 she was 42. Then I was 32 she was 19. I could eat a peach for hours. But now happily married for 15 years.

So why the fuck do people seem to think drugs, any drugs, are so cool? Seems to me like the stupidest thing you could do subjecting your body to ANY of that stuff.

Well, for me, it was curiousity. Then it was a release from my depression and helped me break out of my shell and relax enough to make friends, even if they were only my drug buddies. Then it became an addiction. It takes hold of you in a way that straight edge people can't understand. You lose all sense of reality and you buy into the lie. For most people it takes a major life shift or scare to realize the hold it has on them. I am on my road to recovery. It took me losing my wife and daughter to realize how out of touch I had become and how bad it affected our relationship and how crappy of a person it had made me. It took away the only thing I ever truly loved. My family. I have to live with that. This is also the answer to one of my earlier questions.
What is the one thing that you are best at?
TrueNorthReptiles said:
Well, for me, it was curiousity. Then it was a release from my depression and helped me break out of my shell and relax enough to make friends, even if they were only my drug buddies. Then it became an addiction. It takes hold of you in a way that straight edge people can't understand. You lose all sense of reality and you buy into the lie. For most people it takes a major life shift or scare to realize the hold it has on them. I am on my road to recovery. It took me losing my wife and daughter to realize how out of touch I had become and how bad it affected our relationship and how crappy of a person it had made me. It took away the only thing I ever truly loved. My family. I have to live with that. This is also the answer to one of my earlier questions.
What is the one thing that you are best at?

Sorry bud didn't mean to be an ass.

I'm best at cooking and writing. I was a Navy cook and I wrote a children's poetry book.

Any plans for the weekend?
Rymerpt said:
Sorry bud didn't mean to be an ass.

I'm best at cooking and writing. I was a Navy cook and I wrote a children's poetry book.

Any plans for the weekend?
You were NOT being an ass as far as I'm concerned! It is something I have experienced in my life and I agree with you 100%. It isn't worth it! Addiction is a horrible, horrible thing.
I am going to hit up the hot springs pools in Thermopolis tomorrow. Unfortunately that means me without a shirt on, so there goes my chances of meeting a pretty little lady. ;)
Do you have any tattoos? If so, what and where?
Nope no tats. I was a sailor, but my mom would kill me. Not my thing anyway. I do think that on some people they look cool. My brother in law has a full back scorpion.

What's your take on this new VAPE way of smoking?
I did the whole vape deal for a while. I don't anymore. I've heard too many bad things about it and my vaporizers always messed up. Quitting smoking sucks, but I am making progress. Woot!
Sweet or salty?