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Nissan Cube or something like that.
I see one on the road and $20 says instant bad mood after being left wondering why anybody would drive such a thing....
No offense to anybody into something like that but deffo not my thang.
What's the lamest car you HAVE driven?

hogleg said:
I guess I'll go with VW Bug. I hate em, one of my best friends was caught dead in one.
Damn, sorry to hear that, man.
lamest car was a Honda I bought for 1500 from a small dealer in Orlando 11 or 12 years ago, made it to the turnpike toll both and the motor over heated and was smoking horribly like it was going to blow up. was really clueless back than. live and learn.
coolest concert you've ever been to (what bands were there)?
Pat Matheny on his As Wichita Falls so Falls Wichita Falls Tour in the 70's.

Catching a cool free Jazz concert tomorrow ...Generation X at 21st and Rock Road. Show starts at 7. Might be Generation Next heck I'm just happy to get a Jazz concert. Lol

Anyone here like Jazz
Maybe the one where I end up literally crawling while writhing in pain into a convenience store in the middle of the night seeking a yoghurt. After finally reaching the yoghurt fridge I grab a tub and just smash it there and then, no spoon, just face straight into it. With the lava in my gut extinguished, thankfully yoghurt does that for me and is pretty instant about it too, I get up like nothing had happened (despite face being covered in yoghurt) and go pay for it. The cashier said not one word about the whole thing.
Same question... I like funny stories. :D
lmfao.... that's the dumbest and funniest shit i've seen someone do next to jackass guys snorting wasabi.  I love it!
Already hurting may as well go in for the next rail!
Ever done anything and within minutes immediately regretted it? For me it was a toss up between bathsalts or the third time I did Dramamine against my own advising. 
lol as soon as you went for the water I was like, shit he's really going to feel it now
What the f**k is wrong with you, hog?? :rofl:
Answer: the time I put my hand in the blender while it was whizzing.
It wasn't even a mere second and I regretted that one.
Thankfully it was on a lower speed and I still have my fingers.
No, it wasn't on purpose, and no, I wasn't stoned. I guess I was just preoccupied.
Ever done something stupid like that while your subconcious was off who-knows-where?
Yea. One time I grabbed a rope tied to a hot air balloon that was taking off. Went up about 70-80 feet, then they pulled the emergency flap and I started coming down fast and hard. I landed right on their giant fan for blowing it up detonating that muthafukka to pieces. Bounced up running with a couple dudes and a cop coming after me, hit that 6ft chain link like I was stepping over a curb I had so much adrenalin flowing. Happened at the Fairfax festival where I grew up, I was about 12 or 13. They never did have the hot air balloon at the festival again  :rofl:   I earned MAD CRED with the big kids that day.
Ever been on a hot air balloon ride?
been in a tethered hot air balloon a few times but never went for an actual flight. 
I'll fly because it's convenient but it still scurs the shit outta me almost every time. Had a few too many shitty scary flights in my time. 
Every have a flight that made you swear you would never fly again?
Answer and new question in one...

Have you ever been hit with the shits on a plane only to find all toilets occupied...?

(2 more, maybe 3 seconds... I tell ya!)
gasificada said:
Answer and new question in one...

Have you ever been hit with the shits on a plane only to find all toilets occupied...?

(2 more, maybe 3 seconds... I tell ya!)
no but funny story about my dad. 
They was in the Caribbean at one those all inclusive places. Every day they had an all you can eat shrimp  bar. He hit the shrimp bar for 3 days straight... well it was apparently the same shrimp the whole time.
They was in line to board the plane and his stomach dropped, he told my step mom and she told him to hold it until they got on the plane. Well they board and there's no shitter. He shit all over himself in the plane, they had to move all the passengers as far as they could from him. Every time the stewardis would come by she would spray a bunch of perfume with her shirt over he nose. He said it was one the most embarrassing experiences ever and that the shit rolled down into his shoes. When they landed in florida my step mom had to buy him some swim trunks and flip flops in the gift shop.
Not the first or last time he shit himself either.
Ever shit yourself? 
Can I watch.....the wife threw a fit at my friend then proceeded to tear into me....needless to say no happy ending for me and I never talked or seen my friend again....

Generation Next was a great show.....what's your best concert ever ?
Hmm... Tough one. Godsmack, Elton John, Bullet For My Valentine, Machine Head, Opeth... All were amazing.

What was your worst concert?
Bee Gees....need I say more. Got dragged there by a girlfriend....me and about half a dozen other men packed in a million screaming girls...no one but me and this other poor guy were getting high to really bad music...could of seen three of my concerts for what I paid for that be....

Anyone celebrating flag day tomorrow????? I am
hogleg said:
I love jazz, I even like smooth jazz and elevator music.  :rofl:     Here's a funny story bout "Spicy"
Can you top that one???  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
OMFG WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU :eek:  :eek: !!!!!!!!!!!! LMAO
:clap:        :clap:
So no hangover cures here sorry mate. I did see Jurassic World, pretty good. Best concert here def leppard, worst none all concerts are good to me. Celebrating Flag day for weeks now.
What is your best/favorite spicy food recipe (please post recipe as well :))?