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They will be both. I have a 5x9 and a 3x5 plot and the rest will be bucketed. I've added lime and gypsom and plan to add chicken and steer manure, worm catings and some potting soil.

Does that sound about right?
I've never tried and don't really plan on trying it.  I only use fish emulsion and worm castings as fertilizer. 
Do you know how to make compost tea?
Two years ago my yield was excellent.  Last year was awful because it was way too hot and dry.  I bought some shade cloth to cover my raised bed with this year.  I have very high hopes for this season. 
Do you prefer Perlite or vermiculite in your soil?
I have a bit of all this year. I'm going for taste more than anything.
3) yellow naga reapers √ √

4) reapers √ √ √

Serrano √

Mystery pod seed. √

Huge naga

Bishops crown √

Aji pineapple √

Aleppo √

Chocolate hab √

Brown maruga √

Short hot thai

Purple jalapeno

Tepin X Lemondrop

Chocolate fatalli

Peach bhut √

And a few jalapenos

What do you do with your peppers?
Only a tiny fraction get eaten fresh since they are soooo hot.  Most of them get dried and turned into powder.  The rest get deseeded and turned into puree.
Do you prefer pepper flakes or powder?