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Rarely. Most of the time, if the sun is up and I wake up, that's it. No more sleep for gas.... even if he's still dead tired. :( If it's still dark and I wake up/get up, I can usually go back to sleep though.

How bad are alarm clocks?

(It's like full-blown stress before you even get up for the day! NUUUUUR! NUUUUUR! NUUUUUR! NUUUUUR!)
LOL! Yeah, I am usually awake before my alarm clock goes off, so it doesn't really matter. But when I'm not.....!!!!!!

What color are your nose hairs?
Same colour as me pubes ;)

How often do you wake up and look over at your alarm clock at exactly one minute before it goes off?

Happens to me all the time. Either that or I sleep through the alarm completely :P
I wish. I'm usually looking at my alarm clock anywhere from half an hour to an hour before it goes off.

Have you looked up (or do you know) the English translation for gassy's member name?
Ok. I am going with carbonation. That's what that damn Google guy told me. However he has lied before...... I hope he didn't let me down again.

Should I have a root beer float or just go to bed?
LOL - I was thinking the same thing!

Though, I think of "carbonated" as artificially adding bubbles (which it is), and "effervescence" as naturally occurring (which it doesn't have to be.) Is that a weird distinction for me to make?
Yes. Yes it is weird. You are a weird weird person.

I would make the further distinction that `carbonated` is the state of having bubbles that have been added artificially, and `carbonating` is the act of adding bubbles. I would also go on to state that the `Mr Effervescence` moniker implies that there could be a cape and/or tight spandex suit with underpants on the outside to go with it.

Deep down don't we all want to be superheroes?
I'm going to say "no." It seems nowadays that many people are unwilling to help others out with just about anything.

And speaking of weird.... To me "Mr. Effervescence" has more of a game-show host connotation than superhero connotation. Would you really describe Superman, Batman, et al, as "bubbly"?
Not at all.... and thats why Mr E would be a new and refreshing flavour in an old and stale superhero smorgasbord.

I think the glass your looking at isn't half empty at all. Many people are willing to help out others for no other reason than to help.

What could Mr E's powers be? Capsiacin breath?
Admittedly, "effervescence" could loosely be defined as farting and burping.....

But is that the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of effervescence?
I can tell you what lunch WAS...... Campbell's tomatoe bisque with garlic, filé powder, and douglah powder added to make it actually taste good.

Can you work with that?
No. If that were true, the global population would be 50% male and 50% female, amongst other things. On the other hand, for those who do marry, I believe the person they marry is their "one special person" - you get out of marriage what you put into it, and if both partners decide to devote themselves to the marriage and put the effort into it, things will work out splendidly. But as they say, it takes two....

Are you sleepy?