when I was homebrewing I was doing a 6.5 gallon boil, same way you are doing your AG stuff
my regiment was a 75 minute boil, bitter at 1 minutes, flavor at 15/10/5 sometimes all 3, then aroma/flavor at WP
my WP was a result of 15 minute boil of Whirlfloc/irish moss, and YeasteX at the same time, with depending on the batch size a simple whirlpool with adequate rest
on my 1bbl batches i would take one of my kayak paddles and spin the wort around like 3 or 4 times, and let it sit for 15 then transfer out
I've tried doing the stir the hell out of it to whirlpool deal, and I've never been able to successfully get a cone of trub, or anything even close.

I want to rig up a whirlpool arm with pumps. Which doing a whirlpool at the end of the boil should also help cool it quicker, exposing more surace area and all that shyte. So we shall see. Working on that soon.
HigherThisHeat said:
I've tried doing the stir the hell out of it to whirlpool deal, and I've never been able to successfully get a cone of trub, or anything even close.

I want to rig up a whirlpool arm with pumps. Which doing a whirlpool at the end of the boil should also help cool it quicker, exposing more surace area and all that shyte. So we shall see. Working on that soon.
Anything external would be hard to keep sanitized, though, right? ...
I was totally thinking the same thing - hydro pump ... could probably run the hydro pump in sanitizer first, then put in beer ...
But, it's a sterilization nightmare, I'm thinking ...
You are whirlpooling 210 degree wort, its going to sterilize the pump and lines as you do it
Or, if you are really worried, start recirc through the pump like 5 minutes before the end of the boil
when I whirlpooled on the homebrew scale, I took a wooden spoon, and stirred my wort really fast for like 20 seconds, and then stopped, and let it rest for 10 minutes before cooling it down or transferring it out
once you whirlpool though, you dont want to move the pot, otherwise it stirs everything up all over again
I use one for my AACT bucket for brewing microbes that would do a nice job, but I don't know what temps the plastics and rubber etc are rated for ...
I'm pretty sure there shouldn't be sludge like I had last night, but I don't know ...
It was like wet sand ... I could have built a dribble castle ...
I still have 2x of the 3x bottles I mentioned in the comments here that I had wanted to open when you were down here, but have still not done anything with (they are in the very back of a lower cabinet here, somewhat out of sight, out of mind) ...
Anything fun I can do w/ them like they did? ... dump the pair of them in a fermenter and add sugar or something? ... I'd almost be scared to drink them at 5-6 yrs age (unrefrigerated) ...
I defer to you on this one ...
Shit, I was deferring to you on this one years ago when you were here, because they were already a few years old, and now it's been a few more years yet, LOL ...
Cigar City Bolita Brown, the batch they turned into a different beer from all the returned beer - but I kept mine because I was too busy at work to drive to the brewery ;) ...

I'll just toss 'em, apparently they should be likely to explode ...
Not exploding's a good start ;)




old beer ...
I heard an interview with Wayne, their head brewe, and I believe they are pretty confident the infection on that batch was brett. So it isn't anything that will physically harm you. Who knows, it might be incredible.
Wheebz, what's the best way to bring out a cream flavor in a beer. Thinking along the lines of an Imperial Stout so it would be a sweeter brew to begin with. My thinking is that perhaps adding a Vanilla bean or 2 at flame out and then including them in the primary would help but wouldn't bring out a creaminess in the beer.
I imagine w/ Florida humidity it would sweat like crazy - probably requiring a kiddie pool or aquaponics tray under the carboy ...
Still, when you consider just how little people are fitting in regular fridge once it has a big carboy in it, this seems kind of elegant and you could have a couple of them and not have them taking up space when you aren't brewing ...
I trust there's a counter point - I guess I'm just curious what it would be? ...
A grainfather and a pair of brew jackets seems like a good time for less than the cost of a Braumeister or whatever it's called ...
RocketMan said:
Wheebz, what's the best way to bring out a cream flavor in a beer. Thinking along the lines of an Imperial Stout so it would be a sweeter brew to begin with. My thinking is that perhaps adding a Vanilla bean or 2 at flame out and then including them in the primary would help but wouldn't bring out a creaminess in the beer.
Lactose, 154-155 mash temp, flaked oats or flaked barley, Vanilla would work too, but its not gonna add to a creamyness its just gonna make it taste like vanilla, and the best way to use it is to age the beer on the vanilla
grantmichaels said:
I imagine w/ Florida humidity it would sweat like crazy - probably requiring a kiddie pool or aquaponics tray under the carboy ...
Still, when you consider just how little people are fitting in regular fridge once it has a big carboy in it, this seems kind of elegant and you could have a couple of them and not have them taking up space when you aren't brewing ...
I trust there's a counter point - I guess I'm just curious what it would be? ...
A grainfather and a pair of brew jackets seems like a good time for less than the cost of a Braumeister or whatever it's called ...
well for 300 bucks a pop, I would rather buy a chest freezer used for 50 bucks and convert it into a temp chamber instead
hell of a lot cheaper
grant,yo. bring them ol ass brews to the pepper fest and drink them with the gang.
wheebz glad to see you around,still answering questions and shit. How is the new gig? Glad all is working out for ya.
wheebz said:
well for 300 bucks a pop, I would rather buy a chest freezer used for 50 bucks and convert it into a temp chamber instead
hell of a lot cheaper
space is a concern here, although not so much w/ an outdoor chest-freezer, certainly ...
definitely indoor space issues around here, though ...
i was planning to check out the local cooler places and see if I could score a grocery store style cooler w/ adjustable racks and double doors ...
all stuff for down the line, just "looking" ...
f**k it
drink em
might as well at least crack it and try it out


this went on over five mins long ...


poured that out ...


drankin' the rest ...

still BB, still delicious ...

grant,yo. bring them ol ass brews to the pepper fest and drink them with the gang.
wheebz glad to see you around,still answering questions and shit. How is the new gig? Glad all is working out for ya.

oddly enough ;)