pitch the Super High Gravity yeast, feed it nutrients, and hope it drops a bunch
thats the biggest problem i always see with homebrews, is they are super underattenuated
If If you dont have at least 75% attenuation, your beer is not finished fermenting yet
I'll do that.

I am going to dial back the size of the beers and just drink more beer ...

I don't need the extended mashes, maxed-out kettle, yeast hassles, or long conditioning times screwing up flow through my cold storage ...

I guess I've already found my way back to sessionable beers in only ten batches ...
I forgot to consider/mention that it's carb'd up ...
Do I just take it off gas and purge it over the course of a few days while making a starter of the super lager yeast, then pitch it ...
My keezer freezer is at 38F, and the ferm chamber is at 70F right now for the bhut stout ...
I can't change the 38F one too far from service temp as there are 3x other kegs in there which have good beer (the stout, the saison, and the wheat) ...
I can take the most recent stout out of the other freezer and let it do it's thing w/ the 05 at room temp, and use that chamber for any temp for the barleywine ...
I can also just dump beer and keep brewing - I have plenty to drink ...
wheebz said:
if its already crashed and carbed, you cant referement that with any good results at all
yeah ... fuck that beer ... makes my stomach hurt for some reason after only a couple of fl oz ...
i'm going to use the wheat and barleywine beers as ways to get a feel for the taste of some of the hops I have ...
i have some mason jars w/ infusion lids that you can suspend something in the jar w/ ...
i'm going to dry hop jars and then nitrogenate the infused beer just to get an idea what some of these hops taste like for the future ...
i give it hell, and then move on when it's time ... i'm moving on from the barleywine without fighting that one at all, because my love for the style is limited to begin with ...
looks like there's a sweet spot for me in the 5-8% porter/stout region, all things considered ...
Wheebz?  How to you save Hefe Wyeast 3068/WL 300 slurry compared to a typical ale yeast?  Do you make a starter with the slurry and regular DME or wheat ME? Is it worth saving the slurry or should you top crop from krausen?
Save it like you would any yeast cake. Rack the beer off, pour it into a sanitized container and toss it in the fridge. I wouldn't repitch it unless you make a new starter from the slurry. Any regular light/extra light dme would be fine, no need to use wheat dme if you don't have it.
I'll be adding a couple of pieces of kit to be able to do 10 gallon batches, imminently ...
So, I'll just get this out of the way, tonight ...
"You're right."
I mostly concur because of what I want to do, specifically ...
I realized last night that I could make a single batch of wort in a cooler-based mash tun to fill all 3x slots of my ferm chamber in one brew session, hop the wort with Magnum/EKG/Fuggle/N.Brewer or whatever, and then just do 3x 3 gallon batches (ea in a 5 gallon corny fermenter) with different yeast/dry hops/fruit puree/oak/coffee and call it a day ...
This is happening, sooner than later.
I'm thinking I'll get a 20 or more gallon cooler, and load it with strike water warmed up by my sous vide gear (155F strike water) and/or current kettle (170F sparge water) ...
I'll just use my pumps to factor out height issues, and since I have two pumps, there's no reason why I can't pump it out of the cooler and into a kettle, and also from the kettle through a chilling loop ...
I can run multiple boils concurrently, using my existing kettle, and the stove and SS pots I already have around here ...
Since I want to focus on stouts anyways for a while, I think this makes a lot of sense ... and cooler's are relatively cheap, and I have the rest already ... including spigots etc for the SS pots ...
So, I'll just ask 1st for a change - what's your rec on the different versions of spigot change-out for the cooler / false bottom (braided plumbing thing, slotted copper tubing, MIABIAC (mash in a bag in a cooler), PVC)? ...
There are two that I like. One is the mesh screens that bazooka make. Bonus is super easy batch sparing in 10 minutes or so and good efficiency.

But, stainless false bottoms will always be king. Allows even distribution of sparge water over the entire grain bed, and while it takes longer doing a fly sparge, you get better efficiency, clearer wort into the kettle, and proper runoff.
wheebz said:
There are two that I like. One is the mesh screens that bazooka make. Bonus is super easy batch sparing in 10 minutes or so and good efficiency.

But, stainless false bottoms will always be king. Allows even distribution of sparge water over the entire grain bed, and while it takes longer doing a fly sparge, you get better efficiency, clearer wort into the kettle, and proper runoff.
Unless you see a problem, this looks like a nice solution:
Also, quick ? ...
On unused corny's - thinking about making a batch of StarSan with distilled water (deals w/ pH issues with long term StarSan, I think I read along the way) and putting a small amount in the kegs and pressurize them to like 10 psi or so ...
That we when I want to have a fermenter for a brew day, I can throw the keg in the slot where it'll be headed in the ferm chamber the night before to get to ferm temp, and when it's time, I can just shake it up and fill it up ...
i haven't been pre-chilling/pre-pressurizing/pre-sanitizing the kegs, is all ...

My process on brew day will not require making a sanitizer batch on brew day, this way, though ... as the rest of my system gets handled by the recirc'ing the end of the boil.

Just cleaned up the brew-room, and got all organized and shit ...
How many gallons do you brew with that set up?  I assume you just dump the hot water into the cooler and it will hold temp for the mash?  Then just lift out that grain bag?   I was curious how you did larger batches.
tctenten said:
How many gallons do you brew with that set up?  I assume you just dump the hot water into the cooler and it will hold temp for the mash?  Then just lift out that grain bag?   I was curious how you did larger batches.
Yup ...
I'm going to prepare 10-12 gallons of wort in there ... and then run it off into multiple kettles to boil for now, but ultimately I'm going to add a propane burner and a 15-20 gallon kettle for outdoors ...
I'll probably just stick my Sansaire in there and let it warm up the strike water TBH ... then I'll mash in the grain ... if I want, I can setup recirc mash u sing my existing shit, but I might not bother - we'll see ...
For now, I'm going to use it inside ... and pump out of it from the floor up to kettles ...
My existing kettle is 24 qt ... so I can put 4-5 gallons of wort into it to make a 3 gallon batch in there, and then I can run off the rest of the wort to other pots on the stove, and finish them off the same, or differently ...
The reason I was so dogmatic about doing everything with SS quick-disconnects and 1/2" NPT throughout was so that my stuff would all work when I moved up in batch-size ...
*I'm* tired of my brew shit being around the house all the time ...
I really couldn't give two fucks about making anything other than the best porter/stout that I can make ...
And when you get down to it ... stout is pretty basic ... high AA bittering hops, couple of yeast choices, but basically the variations happen post fermentation ... stuff in secondary ...
Vanilla beans, coffee, barrel-aging, wood chips etc ...
I'll develop a couple of recipes for the backbone, a grist ratio I like or whatever, and then just break the wort down into multiple batches and finish them differently, is all ...
Missed my OG.  I got 1.044 and it was supposed to be 1.051.  I think I started with a little too much water.  The lid was on part way so boil off was less?  I also have a 10 deg difference between my digital and floating therm.  The digital has been crapping out on me.  I might of mashed a little too low.
Already pitched.
What are my options?
I got 1/2 lb of DME.  Boil it up, cool and add.
Add honey.
Leave it be RDWHAHB
This is beyond my knowledge.
I'd say let or be, or you can do the whole DME thing. If I don't hit my gravity I will dump in some sucrose in the boil, but that doesn't really happen to me anymore.
Ok so I brewed a Sumner Solstice clone and it turned out sour. I believe I got some LAB in my starter from using a mason jar that I fermented peppers in. I sanitized everything but I'm thinking the air lock or something didn't get cleaned enough. Anyway, is there anything to do/try to get rid of the sour flavor? It's been about a month since it stopped fermenting and it finished pretty low. The sourness is definitely more subtle now, but it just doesn't taste right. I'm fine dumping it, but figured I'd check with you first.