no more winter
and if that motherf**ker says yes more winter, I am going to put a .22 in his eyeball

final logos


wheebz said:
Compared to your beer making/handling rules, what are the relaxations for mead? ...
Without hops, and the other way's it's different - is it light-safe? ... oxygen-safe? ...
Still vs sparkling? ...
I might throw a batch or two into the unused Little Big Mouth Bubblers, and that 2 gallon plastic conical that I have sitting unused ... and all of those 2.5 gallon PET high-temp, stackable johnny-can one's ...
mead is stupidly easy
Honey, water, pasteurize, cool, yeast nutrients, oxygen, cote de blanc yeast, ferment, halfway through more nutrients, rack it off, serve still or lightly carbed, like 1.8 to 2.0 dissolved volumes
dont worry about light, oxygen can be bad, but not really
add some spices if you want, or some fruit, all in secondary, let that bitch sit for 2 or 3 months minimum up to a couple years
wheebz said:
mead is stupidly easy
Honey, water, pasteurize, cool, yeast nutrients, oxygen, cote de blanc yeast, ferment, halfway through more nutrients, rack it off, serve still or lightly carbed, like 1.8 to 2.0 dissolved volumes
dont worry about light, oxygen can be bad, but not really
add some spices if you want, or some fruit, all in secondary, let that bitch sit for 2 or 3 months minimum up to a couple years
staggered nutrient additions, or unnecessary? ...
porter, tomorrow ;) ...
wheebz, I still have a bunch of friends that are addicted to and think that Budweiser, Coors, Miller, Bud Light, Coors Light, Miller Light are the best beers going. Don't want to and won't try anything that's a Craft Beer. What's the best thing to brew and have on hand that will blow their minds, something like a Kolsch? There's a million and one recipes out there for lawnmower beers and I'd bet that most of them will come out pretty close to the same. How would you brew one that you's want to keep on tap year around? Something that's fresh, refreshing and not really filling for these Florida days.
definitely a kolsch, but use some southern hemisphere hops, or some of the new german ones, mandarin bavaria, huell melon, that kind of deal
So, this is what I came up with:
Kolsch Amerikanisch
OG: 1.051     FG: 1.012
ABV: 5%        IBU: 27
SRM: 3.52
9 Lbs. German Pilsner Malt
.8 Lbs. Germin Munich Malt
1 oz. Mandarin Bavaria 7% AA
White Labs WLP029 German Ale/Kolsch
90 minutes at 150dF 
Fly Sparge at 170dF till 6.5 gallons clear wort
90 minute boil, hops in at the 60 minute mark
at 60dF 1 week Primary, 1 week Secondary
drop temp by 5dF per day till 35dF and lager for 1 month
Seems like a pretty simple one.
Switch out Vienna for Munich, or switch them both out for half cara-pils, half oats, which is what I do
you want finishing hops like a pilsner, last 15, 10, 5, and WP, and definitely use mandarin bavaria, love them so much
and to be honest, i prefer a 60 degree fermentation with US-05 over the kolsch yeast
ferment it at 60 until almost terminal, raise it to 65 and let it finish, diacetyl rest for 4 days instead of the typical 2 since its a lower temp
doesn't need a lagering time because of the low fermentation temperature with US-05, you can easily turn this beer around in 2 weeks from start to finish
You are basically making a pilsner, just using an ale yeast fermented at lower temps to give you that "american adjunct lager" type of deal 
grantmichaels said:
RM - Wheebz posted an Americanized Adjunct Lager like 2 mo. back, which I emailed myself if site-search gives you trouble.
Actually, I've been going back through our threads and gleaning out all the recipes that have been posted. Of course then I have to watch for the changes and updates to them also. Just won't have those that were worked out with Wheebz or whoever else offline so, I'll find it.

Wheebz, thanks, so aroma hop additions at 15, 10, 5 and at WP or did you mean pick from among those times when you add them?
RocketMan said:
Actually, I've been going back through our threads and gleaning out all the recipes that have been posted. Of course then I have to watch for the changes and updates to them also. Just won't have those that were worked out with Wheebz or whoever else offline so, I'll find it.
So, you're hating me right now - noted! LOL ...
I'm terrible or awesome about keeping the recipe updates, depending on your perspective ...
I've shared every recipe, though, save the Miyagi stout, which I agreed not to share ...
RocketMan said:
Wheebz, thanks, so aroma hop additions at 15, 10, 5 and at WP or did you mean pick from among those times when you add them?
Hop-burst that ish ...