Nice ... that's a healthy load of oats ... for mouthfeel, head, or I guess both huh? ...
Can you do a little quickie compare/contrast on US-05 vs Brett C. in terms of attenuation and timeline? ... so I know how to deal w/ my re-brewed of Red-Eye ...
wheebz said:
they arent even close to being anywhere close to being the same to close
i'll save this for another day ...
wrapping up my week's work and preparing for a back-to-back brew day + drinking extravaganza ...
that reminds me ... i have to go check and see if i can brew your beer ... i might not have british pale any longer ...
now i have plenty of maris otter, but i might not have any pale or plain 2-row, any longer ...
Per my experience, US-05 ferments best at the low range of the ale spectrum. 60 to 67 degrees, with a bump up to 70-72 degrees after 72 hours. Any higher, and it produces unwanted fusel characteristics I do not like, although I am very sensitive to them compared to most people. Within 72 hours of pitching, it is 80-85% finished fermenting whatever wort you dumped it in if you pitch around 7.5 million cells per ml, which I like to do. I am a huge fan of overpitching.
With brett C, if it isn't above 78 degrees, it isn't gonna work right. It ferments out very quickly with lots of oxygen and adequate nutrients. I do underpitch brett C, not by much, but I over oxygenate because I want it to be stressed to get those crazy tropical flavors it produces. I have seen brett C ferment weirdly depending on the mash. I always mash low, and most of the time add straight dextrose for 10% of the gravity during the middle of the boil to accentuate those esters. It doesn't work great with beers higher than 7%. Repitching works the same as US-05. I go no more than 10 generations
i dont want to be asked this question any more
I am two fold on this. Because of the actions of my business partners, I would never have this opportunity to open my own brewery that was run by myself and myself only
However, also because of my business partners, things have been delayed a lot longer than we ever though
In the past 3 months, they each have taken close to a month and a halfs worth of vacation, and because of this, permits can not be signed, finances can not be finalized, designs can not be approved, logos cant be rewritten, decisions can not be made without both of their approvals, while the decisions I want to make for the company which I know are in the best interest of the business I have to argue and argue and argue for before they realize that I was right in the first place
They have absolutely zero experience in the retail business, restaurant business, brewery business, marketing or planing aspects of a brewery, or even the culture, therefore it is a consistent uphill struggle for me to get things the way I want to get them
We are now looking at a mid to end of May opening, when we were originally looking at an April 1st opening. This is because of constant changes in plans, equipment, drawings, interior designs, and a constant need to get everything absolutely perfect before we open, yet it is costing up vital time in which we are getting more and more behind the curve of the trends in this industry
It has become insanely frustrating to me to continue to see ideas that I have had and have right now for the past year since I started this project come to fruition for everyone else when I had them 6 months before people even recognized it was going to be a trend
Fruited IPA's, fuck you Sculpin, I was doing that shit 18 months ago before your recent 6 month old mass distribtion of a grapefruit IPA and your billion dollar buyout, and fuck you Southern Tier with your new 3 citrus beer, the exact same 3 citrus peels I was using in my Citron saison 3 years ago down in Florida, that you KNEW about because your head brewer saw I won an award for it
And sours, I was working on sours and berliners 4 years ago before they were even a huge deal, and I was going to be the first one in the area that did them, but we have fucked around so much that people here in York are catching on
Here is the only good thing about waiting, is that I get to watch all these fucks make mediocre beers in the area, and then destroy them with the same styles. Yet at the same time they will say "well I came up with it first"
I might be open middle to end of May

we have been trying to finalize a logo for 3 months
3 fucking months, and 7 renovations
how is that even possible?
another fucking example
just saw an article today on Reddit about the 2016 beer trends
Coffee and Cream beer
Fuck you you fucking fucks, I was doing Glendora Stout, a milk stout with lactose and coffee beans back in 2014
god I hate beer
im moving all to cider, fuck this industry
Unfortunately I assume that is all the behind the scenes stuff that probably drives you and other business owners crazy.  Hopefully it goes a bit smoother in the near future so that you can start doing what you want to do.  
Only reason I asked is because we are scheduled to be at Hershey Park for a few days in August with the family.  I would love nothing more than sitting down and ordering one of your beer flights.  
ive decided to turn it up to 11 tonight
just chugged a bottle of Weyerbacher blithering idiot in like 4 seconds, and am half way through a new pint of DFH Midas Touch, which I plan to finish in the next 2 minutes
in T Minus 15 minutes, I should be thoroughly smashed
wheebz said:
Best part is I'm dead sober
And yea man we will be open by then. It's like a 30 minutes drive from Hershey to my place right down rt 83. We are kid friendly too
Let me know closer to when you come here and I'll meet you at the brewery and show you around
That is an awesome invite and would love to see it.  I will definitely do my best to get there.  
wheebz said:
see what I did there :)