Seriously I kind of want to work that into a good summer ale. Like I would crush the shit out of it. Super small tweaks and it would be great as it is. Not a Pliny Clone, but now you understand why they showed that many hops in the pliny clone. It is seriously hopped to heaven. Although I am pretty sure its not in that ABV range, cause my face is so red I look like a bottle of ketchup right now so....
Next one!
Bumpers IPA!!!!
Or, well, Bumpers Clone of Tctentens clone of Pliney
Seriously from first taste, if bumpers beer didnt look like a hefeweizen, I would have thought they were the same
Anyways, ONWARD!!!
Appearance: Cloudy like a homebrew. Cool color though.
Aroma: Same as the other one, just minus the earthiness and even more subdued hop characteristics. Bottled 3 months ago, so I am assuming a 4 month old IPA, which would make sense.
Mouthfeel: Perfect for the ABV. 4.3% session IPA, super crushable, light bodied but not water thin. But really low carbonation, like really low.
Flavor: Low IBU, 30ish, but once again good if it is a session IPA. Orange in this one as well. Lemon and orange, but really subtle, like it should be in a saison but neutral ale flavors in this as well. No detectable off flavors in this one.
Overall: It is way too far in between styles to determine what I would classify this as. Has the potential of a session, but not enough hop flavor. Could be a golden ale once again, but no carbonation. Good crushable beer with no defects other than lacking in carbonation and would have to look as awesome at 1010's last beer to be into the style.
Next one is gonna be pretty nuts, and it might be my last review of the day, because 1, its weird as shit, and two, once I crack this one, the other bottles are big as hell, so I will just switch back to 1010's porter, cause thats delicious
Next one is from Rocketman
Tudor Sage Ale!!!
Cool label, because knighting is thirsty work!
we got a foamer!!!!!
and wow I could smell the herbs right when I opened the bottle, didnt even need to smell the glass