That will put a damper on the day. Whenever you get to em is fine with me. The Bumpers ale will have some crap on the bottom. Please leave the last 1/2 inch or so in the bottle.
shitty ...
pretty much $5k (at least) and a lot of hassle, but you know what - putting people who are counting on you in danger is a shitty thing to do, too ...
alright here we go!!!!!!!!!!
First bottle I am drinking has no label, has no info, other than its short and stubby and a copper cap
came from Tctenten
So, here we go, no idea what style this is
BTW, if any of you wonder, I drink all these beer at 55-60 degrees. Standard testing temp
Almost killed myself opening the bottle, lots o pressure, gonna say 2.7-2.8dissolved volumes of CO2 before I even pour it
Appearance: That is one pretty fucking beer. I mean that is crystal clear, like CRYSTAL clear. Big ol' CO2 bubbles though, and head dissipated within 15 seconds
Aroma: Earthy aroma. Slight spiciness. citrus, like lemon pine sol. I really have to search to find it though.
Mouthfeel: medium bodied, a little oily but not overbearing.
Flavor: I believe it was supposed to be some sort of pale ale/ipa. Neutral ale characteristics. Malt background, subtle and nice. Hop flavor is really subdued. You could pull off a golden ale/summer ale from this if the bitterness wasnt so prevalent.
Overall Impressions: If you would knock down the IBU's by 10-15, and keep the same recipe, this would work for a great summer ale/golden ale. Like a beach beer. Minimalistic diacetyl, but i mean super low, which is an easy fix during fermentation. That clarity though. Jesus christ that looks like its ran through a >3 micron filter. 
All in all it is pretty tasty. 
That was a Pliny the elder knockoff from my LBHS. I only used half the hops because it seemed like too much for me. That was also bottled from a keg without using CO2 purge. I think the IBUs were still over 100 according to beersmith. I am not sure how I got it crystal clear, but I enjoyed that brew. What causes diacetyl?
not enough time at warm enough temperatures for the yeast to eat all the diacetyl back up after fermentation
If that was a pliney clone, then yes, there is a reason why they used so many hops, and no, its not anywhere close to the 100ibus that Pliny would be. Just because hops arent used at the full amount of the boil, doesnt mean they dont add significant IBU's, they just dont utilize all of them available. I would definitely put that at around 40ibus, hence why I said 10-15 less would be a good summer ale
Having had Pliney numerous times before, you needed those extra hops, thats what makes it pliney
nice job, 1010 ...

time to pull up a chair and have a beer ...

Seriously I kind of want to work that into a good summer ale. Like I would crush the shit out of it. Super small tweaks and it would be great as it is. Not a Pliny Clone, but now you understand why they showed that many hops in the pliny clone. It is seriously hopped to heaven. Although I am pretty sure its not in that ABV range, cause my face is so red I look like a bottle of ketchup right now so....
Next one!
Bumpers IPA!!!!
Or, well, Bumpers Clone of Tctentens clone of Pliney
Seriously from first taste, if bumpers beer didnt look like a hefeweizen, I would have thought they were the same
Anyways, ONWARD!!!
Appearance: Cloudy like a homebrew. Cool color though. 
Aroma: Same as the other one, just minus the earthiness and even more subdued hop characteristics. Bottled 3 months ago, so I am assuming a 4 month old IPA, which would make sense. 
Mouthfeel: Perfect for the ABV. 4.3% session IPA, super crushable, light bodied but not water thin. But really low carbonation, like really low. 
Flavor: Low IBU, 30ish, but once again good if it is a session IPA. Orange in this one as well. Lemon and orange, but really subtle, like it should be in a saison but neutral ale flavors in this as well. No detectable off flavors in this one. 
Overall: It is way too far in between styles to determine what I would classify this as. Has the potential of a session, but not enough hop flavor. Could be a golden ale once again, but no carbonation. Good crushable beer with no defects other than lacking in carbonation and would have to look as awesome at 1010's last beer to be into the style. 

Next one is gonna be pretty nuts, and it might be my last review of the day, because 1, its weird as shit, and two, once I crack this one, the other bottles are big as hell, so I will just switch back to 1010's porter, cause thats delicious

Next one is from Rocketman
Tudor Sage Ale!!!
Cool label, because knighting is thirsty work!
we got a foamer!!!!!
and wow I could smell the herbs right when I opened the bottle, didnt even need to smell the glass
You drank them in reverse order that they were brewed.

Really aporeciate the feedback and tips. My next brew will be for the brewdown, do obviously you will be getting that one too.

I completely screwed up the pliny clone to how it was supposed to be brewed. I cut back the hops on purpose, but that was the beer that I screwed up my water measurements and never hit the ABV it was supposed to.
No worried dude. The fact that I did not find any technical off flavors other than a tiny tiny bit of diacetyl is pretty good. Diacetyl is a super simple fix
I can honestly say that out of all the homebrew competitions ive judged, and beers ive reviewed, that the things you guys are sending me are pretty refreshing
ok, Rocketmans Tudor Ale
I remember talking with him about this, but it was quite a while ago
here we go
Appearance: Hazy and dark orange. Almost like an amber. Head is sticking around though, at least a touch of it is. Tiny white film around the ring of the glass.
Aroma: Holy makes me want to move back to florida to always have fresh herbs available batman!. Sage dominates, but there is something else there. A sweetness I will try to figure out.
Mouthfeel: Carbonation is on point. A little spicy almost, like I am getting a perceived heat from the beer. Could be the sage.
Flavor: Figured it out. Honey. Honey and sage dominate, but I get a little phenolic character as well. Almost like a smoked sage or a heated sage. Something smokey, which maybe he did. For the color, i would assume a darker malty profile, but it sits nice without anything astringent other than the sage, but knowing thats in there from the bottle, I understand why. 
Overall: Freakin weird man. Not in a bad way. Although now that I am half way through a bottle, it seems to be burning my throat and chest a bit ever time I take a sip. I hope I am not allergic because that would suck. Actually I am gonna put this glass away for a second and go grab some water. I really dont want to, because I am pretty sure knights would just suck it up and stop being a giant vagina about it, but it really burns.
OK so here is an update
I dont get rashes, I eat everything except for black olives and raw onions, i dont have any, ANY allergies, not pollen, not dogs, not food, not anything
I think RM was playing a joke on me, and stuffed a super hot in that bottle, because I feel like a took a bite of 7 pod puree

chest is on fire, throat is scratchy, tongue is like 20% numb
but it seems to be getting better
I will finish the beer in like 10 minutes, and see if that was the culprit
It's the sage Bro cause I got it on a lessor scale when it was fresh. The bottle is a year old as of this month so it may have intensified some. If you look at what it says about Sage ales in Sacred and Herbal Healing Beers it gives you a little insiteninto Sage Ales, namely that the sage intensifies the Alcohol and it's affects.
Next time I make it I'll put a disclaimer on it, sorry bout that