Good for you Wheebz! Front Page!

Good interview. 'Cept in your interview, your interests mentioned, Kayaking and Golf. No Pole Dancing?

Keep up the good work.

That's a very nice kit Pepperwoman it's an upgrade from what I use with the Carboys added. 1 important thing to consider adding would be a 1000 ml yeast starter such as, keeping with Northern Brewer for you as i get their catalog, item number #7055 for $16.99. Also a carboy cleaner sure makes cleaning those things easier but are more a
nice to have item, maybe a Birthday, anniversary, etc... gift.

One other thing to think about is, most starter kits come with one of those goo in a can first brew. If you get one it can make an ok beer but you'll want to trash the yeast that comes with it and get a new yeast that is fresh and will ferment nicely. wheebz might just tell you to trash the whole darn thing though :)

Thanks Rocketman and Weebz. I've got it all wrote down, but some how he found and it put a heart around the beer he wanted to brew. Think that's a hint.
Hey Wheebz....Do you think a light freeze might make hops "sweeter" on the vine? It hasn't hurt the leaves yet, but the hops still on the vine smell so fragrant! Wondering if it's worth picking some tomorrow. You know, for tea and sh..tuff?
you should be fine

to be honest I dont know much of anything about hop growing whatsoever other than the soil mineral content thats best for each variety
Well Dude - that seems to be a boatload more than what I know!!!!

But if those hallerdoohikky hops like a simple mineral like calcium or acidic soil...let me know! I'd be happy to toss 'em some egg shells or coffee grounds!!!! :D
[font=Arial']wheebz, I have a 1000 ml beaker with a cork and airlock that I use for yeast propagation and it’s been working great. What does a stir plate do, aside from keeping the wort circulating, and how important would having one be when doing 5 gallon batches? As I shift to AG brewing and 10 gallon batches will it become more important that I have one?[/font]
ive made 2 starters ever homebrewing

making a starter is important if you are introducing your yeast into a quite hazardous environment

I.E large amounts of fermentable sugars, odd temperatures, pitching along side bacteria/another yeast

or if you are propagating from lets say a single cell to a pitchable amount, or like going from 5 gallons worth if pitchable yeast to a 1bbl batch and you want to have proper pitching rates

stir plates allow for proper oxygenation of your starter, and usually a better viability count

example, at Southern Tier, we would make 6 2000ml starters, and dump them into a 15bbl turn, then let it prop up, do another 7bbls into the propagator, wait another 6 hours, and pitch another 7 bbls into it for a total of a 30 bbl starter. Wait a day, and then pitch the entire thing into a 220bbl batch of IPA, Pale Ale, or Uniwheat, which we used for the blueberry/raspberry/and Chautauqua Brew.
Great info, thanks. Removing the stir plate from my Birthday / Christmas list now and adding 2 6.5 gallon Carboys, top loading freezer and a tower and that should do it.

thats exactly what you need to get

start kegging that jazz, and then get a Blichmann Beer Gun and bottle whatever you want for presents for people