I've been successful mashing serially, and Blichmann recently discussed this w/ JP on Brew Strong and there's a simple formula for predicting the extract potential of the second mash's grains that JP dropped in the podcast, which Blichmann validated upon actually brewing ...
I want to go a step beyond tomorrow when I clean all of my kegs, and while I know I've mentioned this and you've approved it, I can't find it via search to verify the details, and want to confirm my memory ...
I'm planning to PBW all of my kegs tomorrow, and when I'm done, I'm thinking about putting 1.25 gallons of StarSan into them, flushing them a little bit to limit the oxygen, and then putting them under about 10 psi CO2 for storage with the StarSan solution in them ...
That way, when it's brew day, I can just grab a keg - shake it up a bit for a few mins, turn it over etc - and use it ...
Am I missing anything? ...
star san wont last that long, it has a half life, it will release everything to atmosphere
But yes, thats the best way to do it, then you already know that its sanitized
wheebz said:
star san wont last that long, it has a half life, it will release everything to atmosphere
But yes, thats the best way to do it, then you already know that its sanitized
I thought if I used distilled to make the StarSan that it kept in the closed, pressurized keg ... maybe not ...
Are you saying to just PBW and StarSan and then turn upside down to dry, and then seal w/ 10 psi CO2, without having the sanitizer in it, and to use fresh sanitizer on brew day (which would kind of negate having having the 10 psi in there for storage)? ...
Or are you saying to use Iodophor (?sp) in the keg since it keeps, and to rinse it out before using it, or ?
use iodophor in the keg, let that sit under pressure, and then shake it before you use it, rinse it out real quick, just a little rinse, right before you transfer into the keg
When you dump it out, you arent keeping the keg upside down long enough to let all the CO2 out of the keg, just a quick upside down and thats it
wheebz said:
use iodophor in the keg, let that sit under pressure, and then shake it before you use it, rinse it out real quick, just a little rinse, right before you transfer into the keg
When you dump it out, you arent keeping the keg upside down long enough to let all the CO2 out of the keg, just a quick upside down and thats it
I'm cool with that for finished beer ...
Not cool with rinsing the kegs for fermenting with sink water though ...
I realize not a lot of people use kegs for that, though ...
Why wouldnt you be?
There is so much chlorine in your damn tap water, nothing is surviving
But hey, iodophor is considered no rinse, so go for it
I just dont like metallic-y iodine in my beer
no, i mean, i'll do the io+rinse on my 2.5/3's for service kegs, but will store my 5's and mix starsan on brewday during the boil ...

don't need co2 in those anyways ...
I guess WLP099 ... it got the Mulberara to a bit over 18.5% ...
I believe I noted it's use in the Brew Dogs recipe catalogue too, for a 22% beer, perhaps (I'm buzzed) ...
RocketMan said:
Yeah, I was thinking maybe a Sake yeast.
I read something mildly convincing from the Master Brewer's Association about champagne yeasts not doing so well when thrown in behind ale yeasts, as opposed to being the main yeast from the start for a big beer ...
I tried to search my Inbox to find it a moment ago, but came up empty ...
I can tell you that the people who use WLP001 exclusively in their breweries are often about to get it up to around 20%, but I think that might be because they know they can get up there using later generations ...
I was impressed with WLP099 ... it's what I plan to use ...