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ATTN: Washington- wingdome challenge

CA, did you make it there for lunch?

I'd like to hear about the sauce, but maybe put a warning at the top of your post so those that don't want to read about it can skip ahead. :)
I want to hear all about it!!! I also sent Mal an email but think he may be off hunting or on some type of adventure. I am ready to rock and roll!!!!
Here's my review of Wingdome (4 locations in WA state). Yesterday I took my son to the Kent Wingdome for lunch. They have various sauces for their wings rated 1 alarm - 7 alarm. I ordered the 5 wing lunch with the 6 alarm sauce. I also ordered a side of 7 alarm sauce they use in the 7 Deadly Wing Challenge. My first bite was a crinkle fry dipped half way into the 7 alarm sauce. The funny part was the waitress watching me closely to see me react and come to my rescue if needed. I did not feel any heat for the first 10 seconds or so and then it gradually started getting warmer. When she came to rescue me from the heat, I was a little embarrassed to tell her that I did not notice much heat yet. I dipped a few more fries into the 7 alarm sauce to get a better feel for the heat and soon realized it is nowhere near the heat Laz, SL, and SK get when they eat whole Douglas, Scorpions, or Jalokias. Anyway, I ate the wings with the 6 alarm sauce and it was noticeably milder then the 7. The 6 alarm sauce was tastier, but not near as hot as I would have liked. The 7 alarm sauce was definitely hotter, but had a bit of a chemically taste. I asked the waitress what chiles they used for the 7 alarm sauce and she said habanero with extract. There is no doubt that all of the WA THP folks will easily beat the 7 Deadly Wing Challenge. My only worry is that I might get clogged up because drinking anything is not allowed. The 7 wings in 7 minutes should not be difficult. I think it should be 10 wings in 5 minutes to make it more of a challenge. If they used Defcon's sauce, I would be eating there everyday. I joked with my son that I think I will start off the 7 wing challenge by covering the wings with WickedMojo's bhut jalokia powder, just to blow their minds. I will have to say, it might be a little different story to have the 7 alarm sauce covering my face for 7 minutes. We'll see. The sauce is hot, just not face melting hot.
I joked with my son that I think I will start off the 7 wing challenge by covering the wings with WickedMojo's bhut jalokia powder, just to blow their minds.

LOL!Yes lets mock them the entire time and than sell them some real hot stuff lol. Nothing like a hopefully easy win for the first eating challenge!
I joked with my son that I think I will start off the 7 wing challenge by covering the wings with WickedMojo's bhut jalokia powder, just to blow their minds.

Now THAT would be totally awesome! I would love to see the look on their faces when you tell them their 7 alarm wings aren't hot enough for you, then you pull out the WickedMojo bhut jolokia powder and season them wings!!! :rofl:
Alright, ChileAddict! Great review.

After reading your review, we went to youtube for more fun-

Here's a couple good ones if anyone wants to see others doing the wingdome challenge-

This guy rocked it-
one killed it, one quit-

If anyone wants to watch more, just go to youtube and enter "wingdome challenge" for lots of videos.

Next question is.....when?

We will be in the area a few days before Christmas, Don't know if everyone wants to wait that long. Also getting into weather concerns for the passes.
I wonder if they have a limit on how many times you can take the challenge, could be a free meal ticket once a week or so lol. I am pretty much down for whenever, things untill the end of the month might be a little tough for me hoping to move somewhere there is half an acre!
I wonder if they have a limit on how many times you can take the challenge, could be a free meal ticket once a week or so lol. I am pretty much down for whenever, things untill the end of the month might be a little tough for me hoping to move somewhere there is half an acre!

I was wondering the same thing. It does say in the rules that it is free if you complete the challenge. The only bad part for me would be the taste of the 7 alarm sauce. The 6 alarm tasted noticeably better but, free is free. It does look like a good time. My wife and son don't want to take the challenge, but they really want to see us do it. for their own laughs. Also, I think it would be a good excuse to put down a few pitchers.
Same for here also, hubby won't do the challenge, but will enjoy the show. Might be able to hoodwink that brother-in-law into another go around- :rofl:
Sunday Dec. 5 is good with me. It is imperative that Lazienfat is in on this. It was his idea and he is one chile eatin' Washington brother I have yet to share superhots and suds with.
LnF- That's great news! We could also look at a Sunday later in December.

As for the weather, it dumped 8" of the white stuff last night and today. Holiday bazaar was not so hot. Not sure if Hwy20 is still open, but I'm expecting it to be closed soon unless there is a major moderation in the weather.