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ATTN: Washington- wingdome challenge

LnF- That's great news! We could also look at a Sunday later in December. As for the weather, it dumped 8" of the white stuff last night and today. Holiday bazaar was not so hot. Not sure if Hwy20 is still open, but I'm expecting it to be closed soon unless there is a major moderation in the weather.

Oh yeah I see what you mean, that could shut washington down lol. In montana that means nothing at all. Well if we need to wait till another Sunday to do it thats fine with me I will wait. And like I said IF & hopefully if I move into the new place at the beginning of the month that will be my first day off so its sure to be pretty busy, but will not miss this one no matter what!
no worries, LnF, let's just keep in touch with everyone and watch the weather. Moving into a better place for growing chiles is worth waiting a week for.
Yeah no doubt. Will be a better living situation all together. Will keep an eye on the weather, hopefully it does not snow!!
I will be there! Should I bring my Nuclear Fallout Super Hot Pepper Powder? The wife is going down to Lousyanna for two weeks on November 30th, so I will be alone.

edit to add:

There is a mexican market and a indian curry house in the same strip mall, per Google Earth. The mexican market might be a fun visit.........
Yea, and it is going to be interesting on my first day back to Kenworth.......I may be doing the slip and slide with my powerglide.......all the way to Renton. Too bad the flames on my PT do not actually put out heat, to melt the ice..... :lol:
and back to LnF's and DD's commenst...the snow and ice in Eastern WA is no big deal like Montana, we deal with it every year for months. Snow and Ice in western WA....shuts down the town!!!

Tonight's lows are -4F, tomorrow night temps... -22F/-30C

Say G'Nite Gracie! I'm stoking the fire, critters are all inside....NOT going to work outside tomorrow~

That's the weather we are concerned about and looking at for traveling over the passes.
and back to LnF's and DD's commenst...the snow and ice in Eastern WA is no big deal like Montana, we deal with it every year for months. Snow and Ice in western WA....shuts down the town!!!
SL, totally agree - yesterday was insane in Western WA! We had major freeways and roadways shutdown, etc. I've heard of people being in traffic 4 or 5 hours for what's normally a 20-30 minute drive. Haven't seen this kind of storm in Western WA in over 10 years! :eek:
Ok, so I got a notice from SL and LnF about this. I'm down, I can face my fears, cry like a man an still have dignity :crazy: :doh:

Been outta the loop lately: it's hunting season and I all but disappear from the net during that time. Just let me know the sunday that it will happen. I work every other one but if we do it in the afternoon like 2 or 3ish I can make it on any sunday. Just let me know. Looking forward to seeing everyone again. :scared:
On the day that we moved from western WA to Eastern WA 11 years ago, it was one of those storms that shut down everything on the west side.

My dad is driving the moving truck, my bro-in-law is driving the minivan with 2 dogs, I'm driving a Suburban with the cat (without 4-wheel-drive)...and I'm VERY pregnant! 30 days before salsakid was born, and Hubby was already at the new house in eastern WA. It took us 12 hours to drive what should have been a 5 hour drive over Hwy2 through Everett-Monroe-Stevens Pass.

We stopped somewhere between Everett and Monroe so I could go potty (you know how those pregnant women always have to go to the bathroom) and when I came back from the bushes, there's a TV crew from KOMO4 wanting an interview. :oops: :lol:
Woohoo Mr. Mals back from his hunting adventures. Yeah I saw countless cars that slid off the highway yesterday and several bad crashes, the worse was a tanker that spun out & smashed up a car and threw a couple trucks and a SUV off the road. Craziness. Of course the tanker was sideways in the road and traffic was at a dead stop. Luckily I was traveling in the opposite direction. Weather was so bad ended up canceling my last job due to safety concerns & had to cancel this mornings first job because of the ice. Might make the whole day a snow day :beer: Taking it hour by hour lol.
hey, y'all realize that the Dec 5th date is TD weekend, plus I have a bazaar on Saturday. Also have a bazaar the next weekend, busy, busy! Might just take Monday off so it's daylight driving both directions.

Will wait to see what Mal's schedule is and also what the weather is looking like before making the final decision for us. -18F predicted for tonight, wind chill to -34F......bbbbrrrrrrrr!
you guys are gonna have to do it without us...:cry:

Just can't work it into the schedule, too much going on to try and drive 12 hours in a day.

Sorry! I'm really bummed to miss it! We'll be in the area later in December and I plan on making a stop at the Wing Dome then.

:( :( :(
